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express oneself中文翻译,express oneself是什么意思,express oneself发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

express oneself中文翻译,express oneself是什么意思,express oneself发音、用法及例句

express oneself

express oneself发音

英:  美:

express oneself中文意思翻译



express oneself双语使用场景

1、The first is the ability to express oneself in a clear and articulate fashion.───首先是以清楚明晰地方式表达自己的想法.

2、This ability to express oneself in a foreign language on a basis of thinking in that language without reference to one's own is essential at all stages of learning.───不借助母语直接用外语思维并且用外语表达思想的这种能力在外语学习的各个阶段都是十分重要的。

3、Nonverbal communication is a process of nonverbal act. Its purpose is to express oneself or understand the other party's intention.───非语言交际是一种非语言行为的过程,目的是为了表达自己的思想或领会别人的意图。

4、At this point from the following respect summary express oneself see.───就此从以下方面略抒己见.

5、But to express oneself honestly, not lying to oneself, and to express myself honestly enough; that my friend is very hard to do.───但诚实地表达自我,不欺骗自己,能够真正地表达出自己,我的朋友,要那么做非常地难。

express oneself相似词语短语

1、explain oneself───为自己辩解;说明自己意图

2、cross oneself───画十字号(求上帝保佑)

3、excuse oneself───v.为自己辩解;请求免除;请求准予离开

4、expose oneself───使自己暴露

5、express interest───表示有兴趣

6、ease oneself───自慰;使自己轻松

7、express concern───表达关注





profess one's devotion to sb. (向某人表明自己的诚心)

justify oneself to sb. (向某人人进行解释)

express oneself to sb.(向某人表达感情)

make public explaination to sb. (向某人做出公开说明)

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