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stand a chance中文翻译,stand a chance是什么意思,stand a chance发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

stand a chance中文翻译,stand a chance是什么意思,stand a chance发音、用法及例句

1、stand a chance

stand a chance发音

英:  美:

stand a chance中文意思翻译


有可能,有希望; 大有希望

stand a chance双语使用场景

1、And can I stand a chance of getting a table by the window?───您可以为我留一张靠窗的桌子 吗 ?

2、I were any more ready, you wouldn't stand a chance.───我要是准备得再好一点的话,你就没戏了。

3、Given stand a chance john may became a outstanding drawer for a long time.───如果有机会,约翰也许已成为一位杰出的画家了.

4、In times like these he didn't stand a chance of getting another job.───在现在这样的时期,他不可能找到别的工作.

5、Do consumers stand a chance in a market carved up by two corporate superpowers?───两大超级巨人霸占了整个市场,消费者能够从中得利 吗 ?

6、I think we may stand a chance of witnessing the Queen to arrive the Buckingham Palace.───我想我们很有可能亲眼目睹女王到达白金汉宫.

7、But if you win, you don't stand a chance of going out with her brother.───但如果你赢了, 你就没机会跟她哥哥出去了.

8、They warned blonde - haired tourists that Gay doesn't stand a chance Asafa and Usain, they said.───他们提醒黄头发的游客说,盖伊毫无取胜的机会,根本不是阿萨法和乌塞恩的对手.

9、I don't think we stand a chance.───我想我们买不到.

10、A . Pistons . No doubt. I don't think Cavaliers stand a chance.───活塞队,毫无疑问地. 骑士队根本没机会.

11、The driver didn't stand a chance of stopping in time.───司机没有来得及刹车。

12、His opponent did not stand a chance.───他的对手毫无取胜的机会.

13、If you don't try, you don't stand a chance of gaining anything.───如果你不尝试, 将会一无所获.

14、how well qualified you are, if your face doesn't fit, you don't stand a chance.───多好也没用,如果人家看你不对眼,你就不会有机会。

15、Winners stand a chance to role - play in the 988 idol drama.───获胜者有机会在988偶像剧扮演角色.

16、If you go all the way, you stand a chance of getting pregnant.───如果你干那种事的话, 很有可能怀孕.

17、Otherwise he doesn't stand a chance against a tough defense.───否则他不会在顽强的防守前面获得机会.

stand a chance相似词语短语

1、brand acceptance───品牌接受度

2、standing charge───固定费用

3、take a chance───vt.冒险

4、deserve a chance───值得一次机会

5、to stand a chance───有机会

6、stand a show───较小机会

7、seize a chance───抓住机会

8、take a stance───采取立场

9、grab a chance───抓住机会

2、stand a better chance of造句?


Does the RFU stand a better chance of success?



Those that focus on deposit-taking and lending stand a better chance of being seen by governments as important to the economic system.



We can have conversations about changes we might need to make, and we stand a better chance of writing software that will be valuable.


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