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ground floor中文翻译,ground floor是什么意思,ground floor发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

ground floor中文翻译,ground floor是什么意思,ground floor发音、用法及例句

1、ground floor

ground floor发音

英:  美:

ground floor中文意思翻译



ground floor双语使用场景

1、I live on the ground floor of a block of flats.───我住在公寓大楼的底楼.

2、I live on the ground floor.───我住在一楼。

3、She showed him around the ground floor of the empty house.───她带他参观了这处空房子的底楼。

4、The ground floor of the museum is taken up by the skeleton of a dinosaur.───博物馆的底层为一具恐龙的骨骼占据了.

5、The elevator creaked to a halt at the ground floor.───电梯嘎吱一声停在了一层。

6、We live in a ground floor flat which backs onto a busy street.───我们住在一楼的一套公寓房里,背对着一条繁忙的街道。

7、Is the office on the ground floor?───办公室是在一层 吗 ?

8、We spent a bomb on new carpets for the whole of the ground floor.───我们花一大笔钱买新地毯,布置整个底楼.

9、All the ground floor windows were fitted with bars.───底层所有的窗户都装了铁栅。

10、It's a good idea to bring students in on the ground floor, so that they can learn on the job.───让学生从职务低微的工作做起是个好主意, 如此他们就能在工作中学会做事.

11、They handed Grandma down to the ground floor.───他们搀扶老奶奶下楼到一楼去.

12、The elevator descended slowly to the ground floor.───电梯缓缓地降到底楼.

13、She has rented a suite of rooms on the ground floor.───她租了一套底层的房间.

14、She showed him around the ground floor of the empty house.───她带他看了那个空房子的底层。

15、The basement is placed the ground floor and accessible from the street.───地下室被置于地面和可从街.

16、The young woman shrank from having anything to do with the ground - floor serving.───年轻的姑娘竭力避开楼下一层的招待.

17、Animals lived on the ground floor.───牲畜在最底层。

18、I live on the ground floor.───我住在底层.

19、He lived in a ground floor maisonette.───他住在底楼的一套复式公寓里。

20、All the ground floor windows are fitted with bars.───所有底层的用户都装了护栏.

21、I mean to put in ten thousand. Ground floor.───我说,先投一万打底.

22、There is a shop on the ground floor.───一楼有个商店.

23、Regular breakfast is served at the shop on the ground floor.───普通早餐在一楼的咖啡厅供应.

24、That man got rich because he was in on the ground floor of the television business.───这个人所以致富,是因为他最先从事电视事业.

25、Investigations had revealed extensive rot in the beams under the ground floor.───调查发现一层地下的横梁大面积腐烂。

26、Jenny now lives in a terraced ground floor flat.───珍妮现住在一幢连排公寓的一层。

27、No, madame. There's a recreation centre on the ground floor. You can play table tennis there.───当然不是的. 在底层有一个娱乐中心. 在那儿,您可以打乒乓球.

ground floor相似词语短语

1、ground floors───底层,基层;第一层楼


3、ground fog───地面雾;低雾

4、ground loop───[电]接地回路

5、ground cloth───铺地防潮布

6、ground elder───羊角芹

7、ground fir───高山石松

8、ground colour───涂底色,第一色纬

9、ground color───底色




floor:常用来表示楼层,值得注意的是,在英国,first floor表示我们的第二层,而在美国,first floor则跟我们的表达是一样的,表示第一层,即地面的那一层。

Floor还可以指地板和地面,一般指室内的地板,例如,lie on the floor意思是躺在地面上。Floor也用来指底部的平面、地面、地表,如sea floor意思是海底,forest floor表示森林地表。


表示地球的表面、地面,经常说成the ground,作为地面的意思时跟earth差不多,注意区别于floor。

ground还可以作为不可数名词表示空旷的场地,也可以作为可数名词表示一些特殊用途的场地或者活动场地。Ground也有土地、土壤的意思,跟soil差不多,如fertile ground表示肥沃的土地。

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