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goes down中文翻译,goes down是什么意思,goes down发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

goes down中文翻译,goes down是什么意思,goes down发音、用法及例句

1、goes down

goes down发音

英:  美:

goes down中文意思翻译


下跌;降落(go down的第三人称单数)

goes down双语使用场景

1、A new bike goes down in value the minute you buy it.───一辆新车在你一买到手的时候就开始贬值了.

2、Whether Margaret Thatcher goes down in history as a great leader remains to be seen.───玛格丽特·撒切尔能否作为一名伟大的领袖而被载入史册,还有待证实.

3、Do you squeal with pleasure when he goes down on you?───当他俯在你下身的时候你是不是爽翻天了?

4、And tell them you want to go on the tour that goes down into the canyon.───跟他们说你要参加到峡谷里去的旅游团.

5、Let her insert her finger next time she goes down on you and see what happens!───下次当她俯身向你时,让她把手指轻轻插入,看看会发生什么!

6、So put on more clothes in case the temperature goes down.───所以多穿点衣服,万一温度下降呢.

7、But as soon as the fever goes down, it's soon back up again.───但是,体温降下来不久后,它很快再度回升了。

8、His wrinkly face goes down to his hardship during his life.───他那满是皱纹的脸记录了他一生中的艰辛.

9、The crows caw when moon goes down.───月落乌啼.

10、One end of the see - saw goes up while the other end goes down.───跷跷板一头起来,另一头就下去.

11、Eliza goes down on her knees on the hearthrug to look for the ring.───伊莉莎在炉前地毯上跪下来寻找那戒指.

12、crows caw when moon goes down.───啼。

13、Look at that setting sun : it goes down and then comes back.───看 斜阳,落下去又回来,地不老天不荒,岁月长又长.

14、Tell them you want to go on the tour that goes down into the canyon.───跟他们讲你要参加到峡谷里去的旅游团.

15、The density goes down exponentially with height.───分子密度随着高度的上升而指数衰减.

16、That goes down Park . This is a Number 2.───这是2路车.

17、Rain from the roof goes down a long spout.───屋顶上的雨水从一条漏水的管子中流出来.

18、Grass - blade dropping goes down, because assume the destiny of a snail, heavy.───草叶坠下去, 因为承担一只蜗牛的命运, 沉重.

goes down相似词语短语

1、hoses down───用水管浇

2、tones down───缓和;柔和;降低

3、does down───欺骗;胜过;说…坏话

4、notes down───记录某事

5、votes down───否决;罢免

6、bows down───鞠躬

7、comes down───下来,降落;流传下来;倒塌;落魄,失势

8、moves down───下移

9、bogs down───停顿;陷入困境

2、goes down 与 goes under 区别?

goes down 与 goes under 的意思的程度不同。

go down意思有,下去;(飞机)坠落;

go under意思有,沉没;没落;

go down表示形势不好,但是还有出现转机的机会;例句:What Does It Mean That China's Value-added Rate Goes Down


go under表示完全失败。例句:If one firm goes under it could provoke a cascade of bankruptcies.


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