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war horse中文翻译,war horse是什么意思,war horse发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

war horse中文翻译,war horse是什么意思,war horse发音、用法及例句

war horse

war horse发音

英:  美:

war horse中文意思翻译


n.战马; 老兵; 厉害女人; 有决断的女子

war horse双语使用场景

1、He is now an old war horse that needs motivation.───他现在更像一个需要动力的老兵。

2、major is an old war horse who'll bore you with tales of his wartime exploits, it you let him.───少校是一个老兵,要是你让他讲话,他要讲的战绩故事多得会使你感到厌烦。

3、It is understood the actor - who has also starred in War Horse and star Trek Into Darkness as well as the TV drama Parade's End - was enjoying a belated birthday celebration.───据悉,这位曾出演过《战马》、《星际迷航:暗黑无界》和电视剧《队列之末》的男演员当晚正在享受一场迟到的生日派对。

4、Often the lead horse is a military or war horse.───一般而言,领队马通常是一匹军用马或战马.

5、The horse is a war horse, it can't be used as a work horse.───这些马匹是用来打仗的, 不能随便役用.

6、They had now acquired the war - horse and the war - chariot, which the Hyksos had brought to them.───他们现在得到了战马和战车, 那是希克索斯带给他们的.

war horse相似词语短语




4、cart horse───拉货车的马

5、dark horse───黑马(出人意外获胜的赛马或参赛人);(美)“黑马”候选人(常因各方妥协而意外获得提名或当选)

6、war horses───战马



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