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say you say me翻译成中文(say you say me中文翻译,say you say me是什么意思,say you say me发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

say you say me翻译成中文(say you say me中文翻译,say you say me是什么意思,say you say me发音、用法及例句)

say you say me

say you say me发音

英:  美:

say you say me中文意思翻译



say you say me双语使用场景

1、Say you, say me, say them. In different foreign languages! It must be very interesting!───说你,说我,说他们……用不同国家的语言!想来一定很有意思!

2、Say You Say Me Say you, say me - Say it for always,───说你,说我,要总是在说,

3、Say you, say me - Say it together naturally!───说你,说我,一起谈说,自然又亲密。

4、I know what you think of me," I say. I hadn't known I would say it.───我知道你是怎么看待我的。”我说,我以前不知道我应该这样说。

5、Say you, say me; say it for always───说你说我;说它老是

6、First let me say that you should always wear these things despite what I say below.───首先我要说,不管我下边说了什么,你始终都应该戴这个东西。

7、Jasmine" "cotton" "bird feathers" children say you say me.───迎春花”“棉花”“小鸟身上的羽毛”孩子们你一言我一语。

8、Say you, say me. Say it for always, that's the way it should be. Say you, say me. Say it together, naturally.───说你,说我。总是说,那是应该的。说你,说我。自然地一起说它。

9、I dictated the lyric of SAY YOU SAY ME this evening.───今天晚上,我听写了《说你说我》的歌词。

say you say me相似词语短语

1、sad to say───不幸的是

2、say your piece───直言不讳

3、play your ace───打出你的王牌

4、as you were───原地不动,还原,复原(恢复原来的姿势)

5、as you please───随你的意思

6、say the unsayable───说不出的话

7、can you beat it───你能打败它吗

8、if you ask me───我认为;依我说

9、see you later───再见;回头见

say you say me的中文个意思是什么?

说出你自己,说出我自己,就是大家坦诚交流的意思世界名曲《say you say me》,1985年由莱昂纳尔·里奇(Lionel Richie)谱写

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