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greeting from(greetings from中文翻译,greetings from是什么意思,greetings from发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

greeting from(greetings from中文翻译,greetings from是什么意思,greetings from发音、用法及例句)

1、greetings from

greetings from发音

英:  美:

greetings from中文意思翻译



greetings from双语使用场景

1、Botnets can also be used in identity theft, the FBI warned, urging Internet users not to open Valentine's greetings from unknown genders.───FBI警告:”僵尸网“同样能被用于身份盗窃,并呼吁用户不要打开陌生人发来的电子情人节卡片。

2、And I do bring greetings from Secretary Clinton who does send her regrets that she's not able to be with you in person today.───我也带来了希拉里国务卿的问候,她对不能亲自出席今天的会议而表示遗憾。

3、What could be more touching than hearing the genuine concern and greetings from someone you love?───有什么能比听到自己深爱的人真切的关心问候更令人感动的?

4、Greetings from the Federation: We are back to discuss another aspect of the emerging Disclosure process with you.───银河联邦问候大家我们回来与你们讨论大揭露浮现的其他方面的迹象。

5、Wish God can think fondly of me, because what I bring you now is the greetings from the faraway oriental country-China.───但愿上帝眷念到我,因为我给你带来的是,遥远中国的问候。

6、Merry Christmas, everybody. Michelle and I just wanted to take a moment today to send greetings from our family to yours.───大家圣诞快乐!今天,米歇尔和我在此向大家致以节日的问候。

7、greetings from door to the instant Tongyuan and I did not meet, exchange greetings with the initial discomfort, but we in the event of old.───从进门问候的瞬间,童渊与我并没有初次见面时寒暄与不适,相反我们如遇故知。

8、Greetings from the Philippines!───来自菲律宾热情的问候!

9、Seasons greetings from Tom, Leslie and Tom Jr.───来自汤姆、莱斯利、小汤姆的佳节问候。

greetings from相似词语短语

1、dating from───从什么时候开始

2、greetings cards───贺卡

3、greeting cards───贺卡;贺年片

4、keeping from───隐瞒;阻止;抑制


6、drawing from───从…中得到;从…提取

7、dragging from───拖拽

8、greeting card───贺卡

9、greetings card───贺卡




Asked joe after the usual greetings .


Greetings among people should be formal because it is a sign of respect .


Greetings from lappeenranta , in eastern finland .


As for what they give us , I love the frenzied greetings and snuggles on the couch .


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