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right one中文翻译,right one是什么意思,right one发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

right one中文翻译,right one是什么意思,right one发音、用法及例句

1、right one

right one发音

英:  美:

right one中文意思翻译



right one双语使用场景

1、It must've been, uh, the--the different worlds thing, right? One of you always feeling like a fish out of water?───那问题肯定是来自不同世界引起的吧?你们其中一个会觉得很难受对吧?。

2、But at the moment, it's thrived with a lead, but we are working on this lead, and except it's not the right one we look for.───但是现在,一切只是初露端倪。我们仍然在努力,并且希望这不是我们要找的。

3、George Osborne, the chancellor, said the current turmoil showed that Britain's approach was the right one.───大臣乔治·奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)说现在的混乱显示英国的方法是正确的。

4、I need more time to sleep on it. It's a big decision and I want to make the right one.───我需要更多的时间再考虑一下。这是个重大的决定,我想做出正确的决定。

5、A number of Tory Mps began to say out loud that Sir Alec's image was not the right one to counter Wilson.───有些保守党议员公开说,亚历克爵士的形象不能同威尔逊相匹敌。

6、I think this must be the most immediate comprehension and the right one.───我觉得这个理解肯定是最直接的,也是对的。

7、Please PM me your application and examples of you work and let me know why you think you are the right one for the job.───请PM我你的应用和实例的工作,你让我知道为什么你认为你是这个职位的最佳之一。

8、May not always be the right one to use for determining whether the requested permission is to be granted or not.───不一定就是应当用来确定是否授予所请求的权限的那一个。

9、It was a very tough decision but we feel we made the right one.───这是一个非常困难的决定,但我们觉得自己做出了正确的选择。

right one相似词语短语

1、right face───向右转

2、blighty one───枯萎病

3、right on!───好极了(表示支持、鼓励);你说得对

4、light on───偶然遇见(碰见,发现);停落于

5、right off───立刻;马上

6、right oh───对哦

7、right angle───[数]直角


9、right on───好极了(表示支持、鼓励);你说得对


the right one





Twice as many americans think the country is on the wrongtrack as the right one.



China is using a new tool to boost its influence abroad. Is it theright one?


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