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public good中文翻译,public good是什么意思,public good发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

public good中文翻译,public good是什么意思,public good发音、用法及例句

public good

public good发音

英:  美:

public good中文意思翻译



public good双语使用场景

1、Advertisements for public good on radio and television should be at least 3 percent of the total advertisements in each program each day.───第十六条广播电台、电视台每套节目中每天播放公益广告的数量不得少于广告总播出量的3%。

2、Generally it is possible in principle to provide the correct size of the public good using taxes to fund it .───理论上来说,如果用税收模式来,社区一般可以提供恰当规模的公共品。

3、Many voters think that the system has been used for private gain, not public good.───许多选举人认为,选举系统已被用以牟取私利而不是造福大众。

4、First, this paper explains the concept of urban public good, limiting it to the economic infrastructure of a city.───首先,本文阐述了城市公共品的内涵和外延,把城市公共品限定在城市的经济基础设施。

5、Should it still be deemed a public good?───还应认为它对公众有利?

6、Politicians are happier to dress up their ruthless ambition as a necessary pursuit of the public good.───政客们更乐于把自己的狼子野心粉饰成对公众利益的一种必要追求。

7、He is always ready to sacrifice his personal interest for public good.───他随时准备为公益而牺牲个人利益。

8、Private interest was not allowed to predominate over the public good.───私人利益不得置于公众利益之上。

9、Radically changes the traditional public idea: library is pure cause of public good and pure consume unit and makes it a kind of industry.───彻底转变人们那种图书馆纯公益事业、纯消费单位的观念,使之成为一门产业。

public good相似词语短语

1、public mood───公众情绪

2、public fund───公共资金

3、public room───公用舱室

4、public school───(美国和苏格兰的初等或中等的)公立中小学;寄宿学校

5、public goods───[贸易]公共货物

6、public forum───公共论坛

7、public gaze───公众的注视

8、public rooms───公用舱室

9、public body───公共团体;民意机关


不是。自动取款机又称ATM,是Automatic Teller Machine的缩写,意思是自动柜员机,因大部分用于取款,又称自动取款机。它是一种高度精密的机电一体化装置,利用磁性代码卡或智能卡实现金融交易的自助服务,代替银行柜面人员的工作。

公共产品(Public good)是私人产品的对称,是指具有消费或使用上的非竞争性和受益上的非排他性的产品。

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