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most of all中文翻译,most of all是什么意思,most of all发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

most of all中文翻译,most of all是什么意思,most of all发音、用法及例句

1、most of all

most of all发音

英:  美:

most of all中文意思翻译




most of all双语使用场景

1、Most of all I can't wait, to come back to you.───我等不了所有事, 去回到你身边.

2、Most of all, I could help you with your parrots.───最重要的是,我可以帮助您与您的鹦鹉。

3、We like comic books most of all because we never know what will happen next.───我们喜欢幽默书最主要的原因就是我们永远不会知道下面会发生什么事.

4、Most of all," Hook was saying passionately, "I want their captain, Peter Pan."───最重要的是,”胡克激动地说,“我要他们的队长彼得·潘。”

5、The distance in his eyes. That's what I notice myself most of all.───他眼睛中有着深邃的目光, 这是我最注意的.

6、Fire that's closest kept burns most of all.───〔谚语〕火闷得越紧,烧起来越凶.

7、We should, most of all, integrate theory with practice.───我们尤其应该把理论与实践结合起来.

8、Elephant, Elephant, who do you like most of all?───大象, 大象, 你最喜欢谁?

9、A Most of all, I love the team sports.───A在所有的项目中, 我最喜欢团队比赛.

10、But most of all, l wanna drive this car right through the sound barrier.───但是, 我最想做的是开这辆车突破音速.

11、Now it must be known that, among all his friends, Pinocchio had one whom he loved most of all.───现在大家得知道,在皮诺乔所有的朋友中,有一个是他最喜欢的。

12、Ethnic Composition: Most of all people are belongingto Poliynesian are European.───民族: 主要是纽埃人(波利尼西亚人种)还有欧洲人.

13、I guess most of all I like football, cycling and running.───我想我最喜欢的是足球 、 骑自行车和跑步.

14、Most of all, I like to relax in my garden!───我最想舒服地躺在我的花园了.

15、Anne : Yes. Wonderful. And I love most of all Chinese traditional stuff.───是的,很不错, 我喜欢很多中国传统的东西.

16、Most of all, there is caustic shame for my own stupidity.───最严重的是由于我自身的愚蠢而产生的无地自容的羞辱.

17、And what he needs most of all is a word of ripe wisdom from you.───他最需要的就是您的一句充满智慧的话.

18、She said she wanted most of all to be fair.───她说她最想要的是公平。

most of all相似词语短语

1、first of all───adv.首先

2、ports of call───(船只航行途中)停靠港(尤指货船);中途港;(某人)常到之处;经常去的地方

3、worst of all───最糟糕的是

4、port of calls───停靠港;常去的地方

5、least of all───最不;尤其

6、cost of care───护理费用

7、cost of fuel───燃料成本

8、port of call───停靠港;常去的地方

9、best of all───最好的


区别主要是:most作为副词时加the与其他形容词或副词构成最高级:the most beautiful最美丽的,the most carefully最小心地.这时它不用the most of...结构。 若所修饰的名词前带有限定词,在表示多数时,要用most of;若直接用在代词之前,在表示多数时,也要用most of。

the most of例句:

1.We duelled for two years and Peterson made the most of it, playing us off against eachother.


2.When fortune smiled on him, he made the most of it


3.the most of your hair means getting the cut and shape right.


4.We've only got one day in london, so let's make the most of it and see everything.


5.These are very busy people, so I want to make the most of whatever time they can give me.


most of例句:

1.Most of us need to lead more balanced lives to be healthy and happy


2.Like most of my contemporaries, I grew up in a vastly different world.


3.The big advantage of multi-tasking is that all equipment is used most of the time


4.I find most of the young men of my own age so boring


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