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还钱英语(paid back中文翻译,paid back是什么意思,paid back发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

还钱英语(paid back中文翻译,paid back是什么意思,paid back发音、用法及例句)

paid back

paid back发音

英:  美:

paid back中文意思翻译



paid back双语使用场景

1、He did not mention that it saved at least 1. 4 million jobs and a vital American industry, which has already paid back half the cost.───他没有提到,这是美国的一个重要产业并已经偿还一半的费用,它至少能保留了140万就业机会。

2、It is why after thinking through all these I feel all that I lost are paid back in another way.───这就是我为什么在想通一切之后,感觉到我失去的一切又以另一种方式回来的原因。

3、Such a policy is unlikely as it would expose the bank to potential losses if bonds were not paid back in full.───这样的政策是不可能的,因为当债券不能被足额收回的时会暴露中央银行的潜在损失。

4、restructuring” or “reprofiling”—are fancy words for saying the money will not be paid back in full or on time.───重组”或者“重置”这样的词只是个好听点的说法,意思就是说借出去的钱不能全部拿回来或者按时拿回来。

5、It would only escape "enhanced surveillance" when it had paid back 75% of any loans.───受援国只有在所有债务偿付超过75%以后才能脱离“强化监管”。

6、My colleagues and I coined the term sleep debt because accumulated lost sleep is like a monetary debt: it must be paid back.───我和同事们杜撰了“睡眠债”这个词--睡眠缺失积累下来,就像债务一样:必须得到偿还。

7、Although some of that money has been paid back, the U. S. government is still a major shareholder in both companies.───尽管这两家公司已经偿还了一部分救助资金,美国政府仍然是这两家车厂的主要股东。

8、If you have a different experience, please tell us when you used it and it paid back the money spent on creating and maintaining it.───如果你有不同的经验,如果你通过创建和维护跟踪矩阵能够收回你在上面付出的钱,请告诉我们。

paid back相似词语短语

1、pays back───vt.偿还;报答

2、pay back───vt.偿还;报答

3、payed back───偿还

4、bad back───背伤;背不好;背痛

5、lain back───躺下

6、pared back───缩小(pared是pare的过去式);削减(pared是pare的过去式)

7、hand back───退还;归还

all sam's money was paid back in this way.

1有时,2一段时间后,3,此句为分词独立主格结构,而with the time是with的复合结构,少动词,可以加个going。4作状语得加个介词啊,像for。此题选第二个

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