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give me中文翻译,give me是什么意思,give me发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

give me中文翻译,give me是什么意思,give me发音、用法及例句

give me

give me发音

英:  美:

give me中文意思翻译



give me双语使用场景

1、"How much will you give me for it? " said she.───“您肯出多少钱呢?”她说。

2、Can you give me your coordinates?───能给我你的坐标吗?

3、I was hoping you would give me a job.───我还盼望着你能给我份工作呢。

4、Ask for your, and give me a strength, let me not be chicken calls to hear awakened!───祈求您,再赐给我一个力量,让我不再被鸡鸣声给吓醒吧!

5、Would you give me an idea how much you wish to order from us?───您能告诉我,您想要从我们这里预订多少呢?

6、'Give me your veil, ' he said hastily to the princess. And when she had unwound it from her head he covered the mirror with it.───“把你的面纱给我。”他急促地对公主说道。接过她的面纱,他把它罩在了镜子上。

7、Don't give me that look brother, you know me well. If I was the one who did it, it would be her husband on the table.───大哥你是了解我的,如果我出手,那趴在桌子上的,应该是她老公。

8、I would like to be friends with you ! then do not say friends do not know if you can not give me chance !───我想和你做朋友,如果你不给我机会,请不要说“不知道”两字!!

9、Give me a shout when you're ready.───准备好了告诉我一声。

give me相似词语短语

1、give head───给头

2、give hope───给予希望

3、give in───v.屈服;让步;交上

4、give over───停止;交出

5、give up───放弃;交出

6、given names───名字;教名(givenname的复数)

7、given name───教名;名字(等于firstname)

for me和give me的区别?



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