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spinning up中文翻译,spinning up是什么意思,spinning up发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

spinning up中文翻译,spinning up是什么意思,spinning up发音、用法及例句

1、spinning up

spinning up发音

英:  美:

spinning up中文意思翻译



spinning up双语使用场景

1、Problems were easily fixed by spinning up a new virtual machine.───问题是我们的库已经比那一级别要高了。

2、Dj's spinning up my favorite song DJ───转出我最爱的歌

3、If you could get data from a large flash memory cache instead of spinning up the hard drive, you'd save a lot of power.───如果你能够从大容量的闪存缓存读取数据,而不是转动硬盘,就可以大大节省电源。

4、since we don't know the absolute up and down in the universe, it is possible that some of the electrons may be spinning up.───由于我们在宇宙里,并不知道什么是绝对的上和下,所以说上面的现象很有可能是,一些电子向上自旋引起的。

5、Problems were easily fixed by spinning up a new virtual machine.───通过生成一个新的虚拟机,问题轻而易举地解决了。

6、If any, will be spinning up on cots, card in the enclosed rubber blade, you receive a non-gel white print.───如有留存,在转动中会被上胶辊带起,卡在括胶刀片上,此处就会出现一道无胶白印。

7、Spinning up the device!───向上旋转设备!

8、Example : Spinning up a Charged Cylinder . Conservation of Angular Momentum and Flux of Angular Momentum .───范例:旋转带电圆柱。角动量守恒及角动量之通量。

spinning up相似词语短语

1、shinning up───闪闪发光

2、spinning out───消磨;拖延时间

3、signing up───签约雇用,签约参加

4、skinning up───制作大麻香烟(英,非正式)

5、spinning off───副产品;创造新的事物而不影响原物的大小(稳定性);甩掉

6、spinning tops───抽陀螺

7、spinning mule───走锭纺纱机

8、spinning top───抽陀螺

9、springing up───出现;涌现;萌芽

2、spin-up time是什么意思

关于spin up time的解释,分享:It's normal for these attributes to fluctuate. The drive takes time how long it takes to the platters to reach operating rpm. This time is converted to some kind of value (between 1 and 253) to be reported with other SMART values. The bigger the value, the better (usually). As long as this value is greater than threshold of that same attribute, it should be OK. The threshold is a constant value given by the manufacturer of the drive.It's normal for spin-up time to fluctuate because there's many variables: temperature, humidity, how long was the drive powered off, how high are the voltages form PSU when spinning up, etc. If the spin-up time continues to decrease steadily (not just fluctuating up and down), take precautions if the value is getting close to the threshold value. If the spin-up procedure takes too much time, it could imply the bearings, spindle motor and/or it's control chip are wearing out.I assume the threshold value is much lower than 117 (the current SMART value)? What SMART monitoring utility do you use? Does it show you the threshold values as well?SPIN UP TIME值有变动是很正常的,因为有很多因素影响:温度、湿度、硬盘停止工作后时间的长短、当SPINNINGUP的时候,组成供电器/单位的电压有多高(这个难翻译),等等。如果SPIN UP时间持续减少(并非上下浮动),并接近阈值,请做好预防措施。如果SPIN UP 花太多时间的话,可能意味着轴承、马达或控制芯片正在老化。那浮动的范围究竟是多少?时间从x秒到1x秒不等。依品牌型号不同而异。

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