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conflict of interest什么意思(conflict of interest中文翻译,conflict of interest是什么意思,conflict of interest发音、用

04-05 投稿

conflict of interest什么意思(conflict of interest中文翻译,conflict of interest是什么意思,conflict of interest发音、用法及例句)

conflict of interest

conflict of interest发音

英:  美:

conflict of interest中文意思翻译



conflict of interest双语使用场景

1、However, she gave up paid work when her husband was Chancellor to any conflict of interest.───但当布朗就任英国财政大臣后,为避免利益冲突她辞掉了工作.

2、Used by public officials to avoid conflict of interest charges.───这是公共官员为避免利益冲突的指责而采用的方法.

3、Investigators financial conflict of interest in clinical research may negatively influent clinical trials.───研究者的经济利益冲突对医学临床试验可能会产生消极影响.

4、Gosper said he wanted to protect the panel from any appearance of conflict of interest.───高斯波说他想使道德委员会不受任何利益冲突的影响.

5、This is a significant conflict of interest that good interaction design can help resolve.───这种利益的明显冲突,只有深知其味,但又从开发中分离出来的交互设计可以解决.

6、That would constitute a conflict of interest.───那会带来利害冲突.

7、By discussion, they can be consciously aware of the core conflict of interest, commitment.───经过讨论, 更能意识到问题核心所牵涉到的利益, 与承诺.

8、Judge Tomas Norstrom denies he had a conflict of interest during the trial.───法官TomasNorstrom否认他在审判期间有利益冲突.

9、We feel that's a conflict of interest, analogous to taking money for search results.───我们认为这是利益起了作用, 就好像收钱显示搜索结果一样.

10、Conflict of interest be damned.───该死的利益冲突.

11、There was a conflict of interest between his business dealings and his political activities.───他的商务交往与政治活动之间存在着利益冲突。

12、His conflict of interest made him ineligible for the post.───他本身的利益冲突使他不适合那个职位.

13、Mr Berlusconi has built conflict of interest into the heart of Italian life.───贝卢斯科尼使利益冲突成为意大利人生活的中心.

14、Vendors have a conflict of interest when it comes to standardization.───厂商在标准化的时候相互之间有冲突.

15、Mayor Blake gave up the presidency of the oil company to avoid conflict of interest.───布莱克市长辞去了石油公司总裁的职务,以避自肥之嫌.

16、He works with both companies and there is obviously a conflict of interest.───他在两家公司任职因此很显然会有利益的矛盾.

17、But a conflict of interest is plain.───但是一场利益冲突是显然的。

18、Oh, the conflict of interest!───啊,利益之争!

conflict of interest相似词语短语

1、lack of interest───缺乏兴趣

2、flurry of interest───兴风作浪

3、unity of interests───利益统一

4、conflict of interests───利益冲突

5、economic self-interest───经济自利

6、common interest───共同利益

7、commercial interest───商业利益

8、unity of interest───共同之权益

9、conflict of laws───法律之间矛盾,法律冲突


COI是冲突利益,即Conflict of Interest的缩写。它指的是在某人在具体的情况下,可能因为个人利益或者其他利益与其所在的组织或者职位的责任产生冲突的情况。



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