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figure it out中文翻译,figure it out是什么意思,figure it out发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

figure it out中文翻译,figure it out是什么意思,figure it out发音、用法及例句

figure it out

figure it out发音

英:  美:

figure it out中文意思翻译



figure it out双语使用场景

1、The map was very complicated. I could not figure it out.───那张地图太复杂,我看不懂.

2、It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.───是非得一个绝顶聪明的人才能琢磨出来。

3、Just figure it out yourself.───你自己想办法吧.

4、However , information fusion and soft sensor have offered a new solution to figure it out.───信息融合、软测量技术为燃烧状态参数检测提供了新的解决思路.

5、flames: I don't really know how to do this safely, but if you can figure it out, why not write them a message in flames?───火焰:我还不知道怎样才能安全的做到,不过如果你能想到办法,为什么不用火焰给她写一句话呢?

6、The composition of the compound is too complicated to figure it out.───这种化合物的成分太复杂了,难以弄清楚.

7、I know there a trick to it, but I can't figure it out.───我知道一定有秘诀, 但是我想不起来.

8、We make mistakes, and we figure it out fast.───我们会犯错, 但我们很快就会发现错误.

9、This question is too difficult – I just can't figure it out.───这道题太难,怎么想也想不出来.

10、Keep asking yourself questions, and eventually you'll figure it out.───不断问你自己这些问题, 你就会知道答案.

11、See if you can figure it out before I get back.───看看你们能不能在我回来之前找出答案。

12、So figure it out for yourself.───你不妨替自己作这样的衡量.

13、Just because it's complicated doesn't mean we shouldn't try and figure it out.───仅仅因为它复杂,并不意味着我们就不应该尝试把它搞清楚.

14、You figure it out, and stop pestering Nancy with these types of questions during the chat.───你要弄明白, 并且在以后的谈话中不要再问类似的问题来困扰南茜了.

15、Figure it out and see what it comes.───把它演算出来,看结果得多少.

16、I can't imagine what his trouble is, so how can I begin to figure it out?───我应当把不幸朝那一方去揣测 呢 ?

17、Whatever baby boomers are doing, people want to figure it out.───无论婴儿潮时期出生的人在做什么, 人们都想知道为什么.

18、I was awake all last night trying to figure it out.───我昨晚整夜都没睡,一直在想着个问题.

figure it out相似词语短语

1、cut it out───停止;省省吧;闭嘴

2、figure of fun───可笑的人物

3、figured out───解决;算出;想出;理解;断定

4、figure out───解决;算出;想出;理解;断定

5、figuring out───解决;算出;想出;理解;断定

6、figures out───解决;算出;想出;理解;断定

7、battle it out───打出胜负,奋力争夺

8、fight it out───据理力争;一决雌雄

9、duke it out───打架;一决雌雄;用拳头猛击


弄明白的意思,如果跟的是名词,就把名词放到词组后面,如figure out the problem,如果是解决代词,就放到中间,如 figure it out注:不定代词也作为代词处理

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