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carbon emissions中文翻译,carbon emissions是什么意思,carbon emissions发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

carbon emissions中文翻译,carbon emissions是什么意思,carbon emissions发音、用法及例句

carbon emissions

carbon emissions发音

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carbon emissions中文意思翻译



carbon emissions双语使用场景

1、New Delhi has sided with Beijing to oppose binding caps on its carbon emissions.───新德里与北京站在一边,不接受对本国的碳排放设定上限.

2、They acknowledge that carbon emissions are soaring.───他们承认二氧化碳排放正在高速增长.

3、Energy is the leading source of man - made carbon emissions.───能源行业是人为碳排放量的主要来源.

4、Despite these complications, carbon emissions created in supply chains are more straightforward than those generated elsewhere.───除了这些问题, 供应过程中产生的碳排放比其它任何地方产生的都要直接得多.

5、Most scientists accept that climate change is linked to carbon emissions.───大多数科学家都相信气候变化与排放的含碳气体有关.

6、Richer countries must do more to cut back carbon emissions.───较富裕的国家必须作出更大的努力来减少碳排放量。

7、Using anthracite generates more carbon emissions than natural gas.───相对于天然气,使用无烟煤会产生更多的二氧化碳排放.

8、Self-driving and shared systems could reduce 80% carbon emissions from transportation.───自动驾驶和共享系统可以减少80%的交通碳排放量。

9、Some European carbon emissions are subject to a cap.───欧洲某些部门的碳排放都受到上限约束.

10、Nearly a quarter of all UK carbon emissions from road transport.───将近四分之一的英国总体碳排量来自于道路运输.

11、To reduce air pollution, the government needs to impose a ceiling on carbon emissions.───为减少空气污染,政府需要设定碳排放上限。

12、Garnett: Only talking about carbon emissions is actually a bita misnomer.───加内特: 只有谈论的碳排放量实际上是有点用词不当.

13、Carbon emissions per passenger are one - sixth as big as for air travellers.───AVE的人均二氧化碳排放量较飞机高出 六分之一.

14、Reducing peak demand means fewer power stations need to be on standby, thereby cutting carbon emissions.───减少用电高峰意味着减少待命发电站的数量, 从而降低碳排放量.

15、Jane Muir on efforts to reduce carbon emissions in an English village.───简?尔讲述了英国一村庄减少碳足迹的努力.

16、China's efforts at restricting carbon emissions are especially impressive.───中国在减少碳排量方面的努力是尤其有影响力的.

17、The invention is a plug - in conversion kit that saves considerably on fuel efficiency and carbon emissions.───这项技术发明是一套嵌入 式 转换装置,能够显著减少能耗和碳排放.

18、Will the Copenhagen climate conference end with a deal on carbon emissions?───哥本哈根气候会议将会为碳排放收场?

carbon emissions相似词语短语

1、carbon ribbons───碳膜色带;[计]炭素色带

2、carbon fixations───碳固定,固碳作用

3、carbon tissues───碳素相纸

4、back emissions───反排放

5、nocturnal emissions───梦遗;[生理]夜间遗精

6、carbonium ions───阳碳离子

7、thermionic emissions───[电子]热离子发射;[电子]热电子发射


peak carbon dioxide emissions

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