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risk taking中文翻译,risk taking是什么意思,risk taking发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

risk taking中文翻译,risk taking是什么意思,risk taking发音、用法及例句

risk taking

risk taking发音

英:[rɪsk teɪkɪŋ]  美:[ˈrɪsk teɪkɪŋ]

英:  美:

risk taking中文意思翻译




risk taking双语使用场景

1、Periods of low volatility tend to encourage risk - taking.───波动率较低的时期风险交易旺盛.

2、The captain was not willing to risk taking his ship through the straits in such bad weather.───船长不愿意在这样恶劣的天气里冒险将船驶过海峡。

3、skipper was not willing to risk taking his ship through the straits until he could see where he was going.───船长不愿意冒险在看不见方向之前将船开过海峡。

4、But the research to identify and enhance the positive aspects of risk - taking.───但此项研究旨在找出并强调冒险的积极方面.

5、Progressive income taxation will tend to lower the amount of risk - taking.───累进所得税将趋于降低风险.

6、Not risk taking.───不承担风险。

7、Goldman, in contrast, seems determined to hold on to its risk - taking culture.───与摩根斯坦利不同, 高盛看起来仍然决定坚持其偏好风险的投资风格.

8、always worth considering what the motives might be for such extraordinary literary risk taking.───这种非凡的文学冒险的动机是什么,总是值得考虑的。

9、Risk - taking: Never test the depth of the river with both feet.───冒险: 切勿同时用双脚测试河的深度.

10、The effect would be to claw back profits earned by excessive risk - taking.───其结果就是将因承担过度风险获得的利润弥补回来.

11、As if somebody has dictated hard conditions, has commended some risk taking.───至于如果有人硬条件决定的, 已表彰了一批敢于冒险.

12、She says that risk - taking is normal adolescent behaviour.───她说冒险是青春期的正常表现.

13、Avoid excess in drinking and risk taking.───尽量避免酗酒和冒险的行为.

14、The values of self - reliance and self - improvement and risk - taking.───自力更生, 自我 修养和敢于冒险的价值观.

15、Secondly, it actively encourages, or even exalts, risk - taking.───其次, 硅谷大力提倡 、 甚至鼓吹颂扬冒险精神.

16、And, above all, it is risk taking that makes corporate high fliers.───和最重要的是, 它是承担风险,使企业高传单.

17、Calculated risk - taking should replace consensus careful risk - aversion.───经过运筹的冒险,应取代一致小心回避风险的做法.

18、How can businesses square the circle, encouraging risk taking but avoiding recklessness?───企业怎么能做不可能的事, 在鼓励冒险的同时又避免鲁莽 呢 ?

risk taking相似词语短语




4、risk pooling───风险分担;风险汇聚



7、risk taker───敢于冒险者;风险承担者


9、trash talking───废话






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