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political science中文翻译,political science是什么意思,political science发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

political science中文翻译,political science是什么意思,political science发音、用法及例句

political science

political science发音

英:[pəˌlɪtɪkl ˈsaɪəns]  美:[pəˌlɪtɪkl ˈsaɪəns]

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political science中文意思翻译



political science双语使用场景

1、Hall , Peter, and Rosemary Taylor. " Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms. "───彼得.哈尔,萝丝玛莉. 泰勒,《政治科学与三种新制度主义 》.

2、Sun Xuanzhong Vice Dean of Business School of China University of Political Science and Law.───孙选中中国政法大学商学院副院长.

3、That would be an important victory for Democrats Alan Lichtman, political science professor at American University.───美利坚大学的政治科学教授利希特曼说,假如能够达到这一目标,民主党人算是获得了重大胜利.

4、The famous classic literary novel Pilgrimage to the West is also a political science work.───古典文学名著神话小说《西游记》其实也是一部政治学著作.

5、I graduated from Union College with ain political science and a minor in Chinese language.───在大学里,我主修的是政治学,副修的是中文.

6、After graduating from Amherst College as political science major, he worked in the travel industry.───他从阿默斯特学院政治学专业毕业后, 从事旅游行业的工作.

7、On Legality in Political Science.───政治合法性若干内在关系探讨.

8、How well have Japan specialists used political science theories?───日本专家所使用的政治学理论状况?

9、Bob is best remembered for his work in economics, jurisprudence and political science .───鲍勃以其在经济学、法学和政治学领域的成就而为人们所牢记。

10、You could do one of these little boxes they do in sociology or political science and have these arrows running all over the place.───你可以使用他们在社会学或政治学中所做的这些小盒子中的一个,使这些箭头无处不在。

11、The economics, history and political science departments organized an interdisciplinary seminar on Southeast Asia.───经济, 历史及政治三个系共同举办了一个东南亚讲演会.

12、Tang Tsou was Homer J . Livingston Professor Emeritus in Political Science at the University of Chicago.───邹谠是芝加哥大学霍默·J · 利文斯顿政治学荣誉退休教授.

13、Moreover, he in philosophy, mathematics, education, sociology, political science, and many other fields are quite achieved.───而且, 他在哲学 、 数学 、 教育学 、 社会学 、 政治学等许多领域都颇有建树.

14、In the continuous development of political science are both revolutional rebellions and inheritance.───在政治学发展的系谱上,既有革命性反叛也有连续性继承.

15、He began college with a timetable that included biology, calculus and political science.───他开始了大学生活,课程表上包括生物、微积分和政治学。

16、Previous to going to Juilliard Acting Academy in New York, Robin studied political science.───在罗宾去纽约朱莉亚戏剧学院以前, 他学习政治学.

17、Majors: Biological Science, English, Filipino, History, Mathematics, Physical Education, Political Science.───主修: 生物科学, 英文, 菲语, 历史, 数学, 体育, 政治科学.

18、" Why don't the Political Science Department students throw a party to welcome me? "───政治系学生为什么不开会欢迎我 呀 ? ”

19、Social science disciplines include geography, economics , political science, psychology and sociology.───社会科学 、 有序 、 科学 、 心理学和社会学.

20、From there, after high school, I went to New York University. I completed bachelors of Middle Eastern and Islamic studies and political science.───从那里,高中毕业后,我去了纽约大学。我完成了中东和伊斯兰研究以及政治科学的学士学位。

21、A survey of public opinion is carried out by a group of experts in political science.───一组政治学方面的专家对舆论进行了调查.

22、This is only the military equipment department of Political Science and Law changes in a microcosm.───这只是军队政法部门装备器材变化的一个缩影.

23、He received a doctorate of philosophy in political science at Columbia University.───他获哥伦比亚大学政治学博士学位.

24、I graduated first in my class in political science.───我学政治,毕业考头等的.

25、He studied political science at Harvard University and got his doctoral degree there.───他在哈佛大学研究政治学并获博士学位.

26、China University of Political Science Professor Liu Jipeng is the author of the proposal.───中国政法大学刘纪鹏教授是该建议的具体执笔者.

27、Bodin is best remembered for his work in economics, jurisprudence and political science.───博丹以其在经济学 、 法学和政治学领域的成就而为人们所牢记.

28、They attach much importance to such traditional disciplines as history, literature and political science.───他们对历史 、 文学及政治等传统学科非常重视.

political science相似词语短语

1、policy science───政策科学

2、political scientists───政治学者

3、physical science───自然科学(指物理,化学,天文,地理等)

4、political sciences───政治学

5、biological science───[生物]生物科学

6、biological sciences───生物科学

7、political change───政治变化

8、political alliance───政治联盟

9、political scientist───政治学者


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