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make a mess中文翻译,make a mess是什么意思,make a mess发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

make a mess中文翻译,make a mess是什么意思,make a mess发音、用法及例句

make a mess

make a mess发音

英:  美:

make a mess中文意思翻译


<口>拉屎,大便(尤指婴儿,动物); 搞成一团糟


make a mess双语使用场景

1、If you cook, please just don't make a mess.───你要是做饭的话, 拜托别弄得一团糟.

2、You're sure to make a mess of things and come back, the Leys always do.───你肯定会干出一番大事业返回家园; 莱伊家族的人总是这样.

3、Make some jam if you want to, but don't make a mess in the kitchen.───你如果愿意就做些果酱, 不过别把厨房弄得一团糟.

4、To make a mess of; bungle.───‘好’伙食; 一塌糊涂.

5、He contrived to make a mess of the whole thing.───他挖空心思反而把事情全盘弄糟了.

6、I always make a mess when try to cook anything.───我做饭时总是弄得一团糟.

7、Hackers generally don't now aim to make a mess; they do it to get cash.───现在的黑客已经不满足于制造混乱,他们以此谋生。

8、Our mothers sat us down to read and paint, when all we really wanted to do was to make a mess.───我们的母亲让我们坐下来读书和画画,而我们真正想做的却是打打闹闹。

9、I don't want to make a mess of you here, because I eat and sleep here.───我不愿意在这儿把你打得稀烂, 因为我在这儿吃饭,睡觉.

10、There are people who are walking encyclopedias, but they make a mess of their lives.───有些人身边就有百科全书但是他们的生活却是一团糟.

11、Let me count the ways in which politicians might make a mess of things.───让我来算一下政治家可能把事情搞糟的那些招数.

12、Our mothers sat us down to read and paint, when all we really wanted to do was to make a mess.───我们的妈妈们让我们坐下读书、画画,而我们真正想要做的却是胡闹一阵。

13、Please take care not to make a mess.───请注意,不要把商品乱堆乱放.

14、The bad weather conspired with the car trouble to make a mess of my holyday.───坏天气和汽车故障凑在一起毁了我的休假.

15、He managed to make a mess of it.───他真不错,把事情弄得糟透了.

16、She says pets can make a mess of the house.───她说动物能把屋子弄的一团糟.

17、create a new property right would just make a mess unless it could be clearly defined and enforced—and Justice Pitney's quasi-right for news seemed to do neither.───创造一种新的所有权只会制造混乱,除非它能明确的界定和发挥效力,而Pitney’s法官的新闻准产权似乎都做不到。

make a mess相似词语短语

1、make a move───走一步;开始行动;搬家

2、make a noise───吵闹,喧哗;成为众人谈论或注意的对象

3、make a pass───挑逗

4、make a fuss of───大惊小怪;过分体贴

5、make a dash───猛冲;急起直追

6、make a hames of───把…弄成火腿

7、make a check───做检查

8、make a game of───玩弄

9、make amends───赔偿(损失等);道歉;赎罪

make a mess是什么意思?

就是弄乱了弄脏了. 把那地方make a mess就是把那地方弄得很糟糕很乱.

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