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easy lover什么意思(be easy for me中文翻译,be easy for me是什么意思,be easy for me发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

easy lover什么意思(be easy for me中文翻译,be easy for me是什么意思,be easy for me发音、用法及例句)

be easy for me

be easy for me发音

英:  美:

be easy for me中文意思翻译



be easy for me双语使用场景

1、That may be easy for me to say, but I face my own problems day in and day out.───也是说起来容易,每天我也会碰到我自己的问题。

2、It might be easy for me to imagine I am playing god.───很容易想象,我真扮演着上帝的角色。

3、I guess it will be easy for me to find a room.───我想我会很容易找到饭店房间。

4、Thus, I went to the hospital and my doctor confirmed that I needed surgery, adding that the operation would not be easy for me.───因此,我去了医院,医生断定我必须再开一次刀,而且说这次手术对我来说会非常不容易。

5、Will it be easy for me to finish this job in ten minutes?───对我来说在十分钟内完成这项工作容易吗?

6、be easy for me to imagine I am playing god.───容易想象,我真扮演着上帝的角色。

7、it will be easy for me to avoid the hunters now, and my foot feels quite well;───现在对我来说避开猎人是很简单的事情,而且我的脚感觉非常好了;

8、In general, resources, opportunities, and knowledge would be easy for me to shop online.───总括而言,现有的资源、机会和知识,令我较容易进行网上购物。

9、She told me the truth: it would never be easy for me to find a lover because of my disability.───她告诉我现实:因为残疾,对我来说找到一个情人绝不容易。

be easy for me相似词语短语

1、ternary form───三段式

2、binary forms───二段体;二元形式;[数]二元型;二段曲式

3、ternary forms───三段式

4、go/be easy on sb───对某人宽容

5、an easy touch───冤大头

6、be good for───有益于;对…有好处

7、be all for───完全赞同

8、to play for time───为了争取时间

9、binary form───二段体;二元形式;[数]二元型;二段曲式

that is easy+什么me?

That is easy (for) me. 那对我来说很简单easy常用的搭配有以下:be easy for sb 对某人来说容易be easy to do sth 做某事容易

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