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corporate finance中文翻译,corporate finance是什么意思,corporate finance发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

corporate finance中文翻译,corporate finance是什么意思,corporate finance发音、用法及例句

corporate finance

corporate finance发音

英:[ˈkɔːrpərət ˈfaɪnæns]  美:[ˈkɔːpərət ˈfaɪnæns]

英:  美:

corporate finance中文意思翻译




corporate finance双语使用场景

1、The capital structure and the investment decision are two most important questions in the corporate finance.───资本结构和投资决策是企业财务管理中最重要的两个问题.

2、Lead strategy in negotiations with Tax Authorities after consultation with SPI Corporate Finance Department.───在与SPI财务咨询后,引导税务谈判策略.

3、In Singapore , Andrew's practice has focused on M & A , corporate finance and listed company work.───在新加坡的业务主要是公司 并购 、 融资以及上市公司业务.

4、Interface with other divisions and corporate finance to identify and integrate best practices.───协同其他子公司及总公司财务部确定并整合最好的运作模式.

5、Smith , C . Raising Capital: Theory and Evidence . Midland Corporate Finance Journal 4, pp . 6 - 22, 1986.───《集资: 理论与验证》, 刊于《米兰公司财务报刊》5,第6-22页, 1986.

6、Research and teaching: economics of transition, corporate finance, international economics and China's economy.───主要研究和教学领域: 转轨经济学 、 公司金融 、 国际经济学、中国经济.

7、But regional equity markets have fallen with the oil price, corporate finance and debt are dormant, and restructuring work has proved more modest than bankers hoped.───但该地区股市已随着油价一起下跌,公司金融和债务市场不再活跃,重组工作实际上比银行家期望的更为谨慎。

8、However, this book is about corporate finance.───然而,本书只介绍股份公司的财务。

9、Yes. I've learned something about money, banking, international finance. corporate finance, and the like.───是的,我学了些货币, 银行, 国际金融, 公司财务等方面的知识.

10、Contract Theory, Information Economics, Applied Game Theory, Corporate Finance.───契约理论, 信息经济学, 应用博弈论, 公司财务,政治经济学.

11、In the corporate finance add the neck the constant increase in the proportion of direct financing.───在企业融资新增领中直接融资所占比重不断增高.

12、Collectively, they constitute the main body of corporate finance.───两者共同构成公司融资的主体.

13、Simultaneously its execution to the corporate finance condition, the management achievement will also produce affects greatly.───同时它的执行也将对公司财务状况 、 经营成果产生较大影响.

14、On my first day of teaching Principles of Corporate Finance, I had my students participate in a role play exercise about a major airline in crisis.───在公司理财课程教学的第一天,我让学生们进行了一项角色扮演活动,扮演对象是一家陷入危机的大航空公司。

15、Investment Management Division, Banking Division, Corporate Finance Division.───投资管理部, 银行营业部, 公司财务部.

16、Produce accurate and timely financial statements and management reports for the division and corporate finance.───及时准确地为子公司及总公司编制财务报告和管理报表.

17、Corporate Finance: Focuses on reading and analyzing financial statements.───企业财务: 着重于分析财务报表.

18、Another type is the banking and corporate finance short - term joint product launch.───另一种类型,就是银行和企业联合推出的 短期 理财产品.

corporate finance相似词语短语

1、corporate villages───企业村

2、corporate rate───公司利得税率

3、corporate image───企业形象;公司形象

4、corporate killings───公司杀人案

5、corporate images───企业形象;公司形象

6、corporate governance───公司治理;企业管治,企业治理;公司管治

7、corporate village───公司村

corporate finance什么职位?


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