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inaugural address翻译(inaugural address中文翻译,inaugural address是什么意思,inaugural address发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

inaugural address翻译(inaugural address中文翻译,inaugural address是什么意思,inaugural address发音、用法及例句)

1、inaugural address

inaugural address发音

英:  美:

inaugural address中文意思翻译



inaugural address双语使用场景

1、For guidance and inspiration while composing his inaugural address, Lincoln turned to historical documents.───当他在撰写就职演说时,为了寻求指导与抱负, 林肯参考了许多历史文件.

2、In his inaugural address, the president appealed for national unity.───总统在他的就职演说中呼吁全国团结。

3、A new President is a stirring inaugural address.───一位新任总统正在发表动人的就职演说.

4、When Nixon secluded himself again to work on his inaugural address, the situation changed.───当尼克松又闭门写他的就职演说时, 情况发生了变化.

5、In his first inaugural address, Thomas Jefferson warned of entangling alliances.───  托马斯-杰斐逊在他的就职演说中告诫我们结盟的危害.

6、the President's inaugural address───总统的就职演说

7、I worked hard on my inaugural address.───我非常认真地准备了我的就职演说。

8、At last he began his inaugural address, his voice ringing out in the frosty air.───最后他开始发表就职演说, 他的声音在寒冷的空气中回荡.

9、President Harding's inaugural address delivered by loud speaker to more than 100,000 people.───超过100,000位听众通过扬声器收听哈丁总统的就职演说.

10、In his inaugural address, Thomas Jefferson warned of entangling alliances.───托马斯-杰斐逊在他的就职演说中告诫咱们结盟的危害.

11、Bill Clinton heralded at his Second Inaugural Address that the journey of our America must go on.───比尔·克林顿在其第二任就职演说中宣告说,美国之路必须走下去。

inaugural address相似词语短语

1、inaugural flight───首航

2、inaugural lecture───就职演讲

3、full address───[计]全地址

4、national dress───民族服装

5、postal address───邮政地址;通讯地址

6、farewell address───告别演说


8、inaugural speech───就职演说



make an address的意思是:发表演说,演讲;致词;  例句  

1、He is going to make a speech in public.  他将当众发表演说。  

2、The politician will address us on the subject of war and peace.  这位政治家将就战争与和平问题给我们发表演说。  

3、Villagers say Duke, who is yet to make an inaugural address, has already started making changes in Cormorant.  村民们表示,杜克虽然还没有发表就职演说,但已经给村子带来了变化。

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