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let me Out中文翻译,let me Out是什么意思,let me Out发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

let me Out中文翻译,let me Out是什么意思,let me Out发音、用法及例句

let me Out

let me Out发音

英:  美:

let me Out中文意思翻译



let me Out双语使用场景

1、The love don't you want buy, want buy just can buy, let me out, let me know it, out of your love.───爱情不是你想买,想买就能买,让我挣开,让我明白,放手你的爱。

2、come on you old ugly tree," he cried, "Just let me out!"───他开始大声喊道:“喂!你这又老又丑的树,马上放我出去!”

3、The old curmudgeon found a new scapegoat and that let me out.───那个老守财奴找到一个新的替罪羊,这样我就脱身了。

4、She would shut herself up in the hotel, and not let me out of her sight. . . .───她肯定会吧自己困在旅馆里不出门,也不让我离开她视线半步。。。

5、But you let me out the door crying and did not come out to coax chasing me, you said you have forgotten why.───但是你让我出了门,也没有出来追住我,你说你已经忘记了这是为什么。

6、Yeah, well after the last case I told Zach never ever to put you through. He's a good assistant. You can let me out anywhere along here.───没错,上次的案子之后我就跟Zach说再也不要放你进来了。他是个得力助手。你可以把我在这里放下了。

7、You let me out of the darkness you brought me out in the sun.───你带我走进了阳光,离开了黑暗。

let me Out相似词语短语

1、lets out───v.放出;泄露;出租

2、letted out───出租

3、time out───暂停,时间到;超时

4、let out───v.放出;泄露;出租

5、letting out───v.放出;泄露;出租

6、mete out───给予

7、leave out───遗漏,省去;不考虑

mum,wouldnt let me out so late at night什么意思?

mum,wouldnt let me out so late at night


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