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guest room中文翻译,guest room是什么意思,guest room发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

guest room中文翻译,guest room是什么意思,guest room发音、用法及例句

1、guest room

guest room发音

英:  美:

guest room中文意思翻译



guest room双语使用场景

1、What is towel's color there in hotel guest room toilet? What is its weight and size?───客房卫生间使用何种颜色的毛巾? 各种毛巾的重量及尺寸是 多少 ?

2、In which case , I would take the guest room.───嗯, 除非你愿意到我的房间住.

3、The boy's room is a complete contrast to the guest room.───这个男孩的房间和客房截然不同。

4、Yes. But you can have an crib in the guest room. A crib is a day.───要收费.但您可在房间里加放婴儿床, 每张婴儿床天天收费一元.

5、I just don't think arcade games go in the beautiful guest room.───我只是觉得街机不应该出现在美丽的客房里.

6、Welcome card by Hotel General Manager and flower set up in the guest room.───入住时房间摆放酒店总经理欢迎卡和赠送鲜花.

7、The guest room management system management system just therefore but more and more receives takes.───餐饮管理系统正因此而越来越受到重视.

8、He stayed in our guest room and I felt safe with him there.───他住在我们的客房,有他在那儿,我感到安全.

9、Pool of guest room lamp already made product of set form a complete set.───狮州灯池狮州灯池是一家专门从事高档宾馆、饭店、写字楼、居室配套、灯池生产厂.

10、Leads □ the superior □ guest room thing, achieves the real thing □, real credit real value.───倡导优质客房用品, 做到真品质, 真信用,真价值. 谢谢啦!

11、I asked the clerk to prepare a clean guest room for me.───我吩咐店小二给我准备一间干净的客房.

12、The actual work of cleaning and caring for the guest room the room attendants.───客房服务员承担清洁和整理客房的实际工作.

13、What kind of aeration establishment is there in hotel guest room toilet?───客房卫生间采用何种通风设施?

14、He had been sleeping in the guest room.───他一直都在客厅里睡觉。

15、Each guest room, staircase shaft , and corridor shall be equipped with emergency lights.───每间客房及楼梯间 、 走廊应装置紧急照明设备.

16、Free use of broadband in the guest room.───房间免费提供宽带上网.

17、My parents came out and helped me finish remodeling my guest room.───我父母过来帮我重建了客厅。

18、Hotel guest room management management system main realization hotel guest room management, customer information management function.───餐饮管理系统主要实现餐饮的客房管理, 客户信息管理功能.

19、My wife wants to use the third bedroom as a guest room.───我妻子想把第三个房间做客房.

20、Floral wallpaper adorned the walls of the guest room.───客房的墙上裱糊着有花卉图案的壁纸.

21、Commercial guest room have computer and Your will be so glad to enjoy the perfect facilities.───完善的设施、优质的服务,新型的商务型酒店让您感受方便、舒适与温馨.

22、The hotel has guest room 149 to wrap, and equipped with the independent administrative commerce floor.───酒店拥有客房149间套, 并设有独立的行政商务楼层.

23、Michael wakes up in a guest room of The Company.───迈可在一间“公司”的贵宾房里醒来了。

24、Shall I prepare the guest room for Mr Cockup, my lord?───要我为您的小弟弟准备客房吗, 大人?

25、The graceful and quiet exquisite guest room make comfortable independent living diligently.───高雅静谧的精致客房,用心打造舒适独立的居住环境,处处为客人设想齐全.

26、Assist in the sales planning and give reasonable suggestion to Guest Room and output of F & B .───协助本店制定销售计划,针对客栈客房、 餐饮 产品提出合理化建议.

27、Really? Then what are they doing in our guest room?───真的 吗 ?那它怎么会出现在我们的客房里的?

28、Installation of hotel guest room, dormitory, bathhouse sends video secretly highest can punish 30 thousand yuan.───旅馆客房 、 宿舍 、 更衣室安装偷拍视频最高可罚3万元.

29、Floral wallpaper adorned the walls the guest room.───“客房”的墙上裱糊着有花卉图案的壁纸.

30、This master the workshop, the studio and the guest room fused completely in one.───这一家的主人就把工作间 、 书房和客房完整地融合在了一起.

31、Do our facilities in Guest room satisfy your esteemed guests?───阁下对本酒店客房设施及服务满意程度如何?

guest room相似词语短语

1、guest rope───客绳

2、rest room───n.(餐馆、**院等的)洗手间;公共厕所

3、guest rooms───客房

4、great room───大房间


6、guest ropes───客绳

7、guest books───贺客名簿;访客留名簿

8、guest book───贺客名簿;访客留名簿

9、guest bedroom───客房



pron. 每个人;人人


Everyone comes to the birthday party with their presents.



n. 客人;来宾(guest的复数)

v. 招待;款待(guest的单三形式)


The hotel sleeps 120 guests.



guest room客房

guest house宾馆

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