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conversion rate中文翻译,conversion rate是什么意思,conversion rate发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

conversion rate中文翻译,conversion rate是什么意思,conversion rate发音、用法及例句

1、conversion rate

conversion rate发音

英:  美:

conversion rate中文意思翻译


调换价格; 汇价

conversion rate双语使用场景

1、The negative conversion rate of cured patients was 59.2 % with IEST and 77.6 % with DGS - COPT.───已治疗后血吸虫病人的转阴率分别为59.2%和77.6%.

2、When the cranking speed increases, the conversion rate decreases firstly, then increases again.───随着拖动转速升高, 催化剂的转化效率先降低后又升高.

3、The results indicate that the conversion rate of VCC R is about 64 % to 69 % ( daf )───结果表明,VCC-R的回收率在64%~69% ( daf ).

4、question is how do we find the conversion rate between these two areas?───问题是我们如何找到,这两个面积之间的比率?

5、Energy conversion rate was higher because of the feedback of materials in the system.───由于系统内物质的反馈,能量转换率较高.

6、Methods include falsifying products'nutrient and overstating the feed conversion rate in order to deceive users.───其主要手段就是在饲料营养方面弄虚作假和对其饲料转化率夸大其词,以争夺客户.

7、Increase feed conversion rate, did not digest the obvious decrease in feed in the excrement.───提高饲料转换率, 粪便中未消化饲料明显减少.

8、The project can ensure conversion rate of catalyst and reduce the decline of power of engine.───这种方案既可以保证高的净化率,又可以使发动机的功率下降小.

9、The variations of feed conversion rate and daily body weight gain were extremely consistent.───各组饲料转化率的高低与日增重的变化完全一致.

10、The sputum conversion rate after treated for 3 months did not significantly change with prolongs treatment.───两组患者其3月末痰菌阴转率与5月末、8月末比,均无明显变化.

11、The effects of polymerization process on the conversion rate were discussed.───研究了聚合配方和工艺条件对浆料转化率的影响.

12、The conversion rate for your landing page is.───你的着陆页的转化率为。

13、May I copy the list of foreign currency conversion rate?───我可以抄录一下外币现金的兑换率 吗 ?

14、Digital multimeters a bandwidth of roughly half the conversion rate ( readings per second ) at the display.───数字多用表的带宽粗略地为其显示读数的变换速率 ( 每秒钟的读数次数 ) 的一半.

15、Our goal is to improve the conversion rate by at least 10%.───我们的目标是至少提高10%的转化率。

16、Since the beginning of the year, there have been sharp drops in the dollar - yen conversion rate.───年初以来, 美元对日元的汇价一路下泻.

17、Now you can track metrics like Number of Conversions, Conversion Rate and even Cost Per Conversion.───现在您可以追踪转换次数 、 转换率、甚至每次转换费用等数据了.

18、The hydrolysis conversion rate over 90 % was obtained via changing operation parameters of the total - reflux operation.───在全回流操作条件下,通过改变操作参数获得了高于90%的水解转化率.

conversion rate相似词语短语


2、conception rate───[畜牧]受胎率;受孕率

3、conversion ratio───兑换率

4、conversion table───[计]转换表,换算表

5、conception rates───[畜牧]受胎率;受孕率

6、conversion reaction───转换反应

7、conversion van───改装货车

8、conversion ratios───兑换率

9、conversion tables───转换表


转化率(Conversion Rate)公式







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