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the classic中文翻译,the classic是什么意思,the classic发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

the classic中文翻译,the classic是什么意思,the classic发音、用法及例句

the classic

the classic发音

英:  美:

the classic中文意思翻译



the classic双语使用场景

1、Blue and white is the classic colour combination for bathrooms. It always looks smart and will never date.───蓝色和白色是浴室的经典色彩搭配,看起来总是很时髦,永远不会过时。

2、The classic form of the illness, which involves recurrent episodes of mania and depression, is called bipolar I disorder.───这种疾病的典型形式包含周期性的躁狂和抑郁,称为双相I型。

3、She has produced several films that deal with the classic Oprah-themes of suffering and redemption in which she did not actually appear.───她创作了几部**,涉及典型的有关受难和救赎的奥普拉主题,而她本人并没哟出现在**中。

4、The classic cone shapes of a Fuji or Kilimanjaro are created when erupting magma piles up.───富士山或乞力马扎罗山经典的圆锥形是由喷发的岩浆堆积而成的。

5、4 cover cup is all women the classic pattern that does not know how many was collected in almirah .───4罩杯是所有女人衣橱里都收藏了不知多少件的经典款式。

6、An architect can be partial to any of the classic and long-tested software systems development methodologies.───架构师可以偏爱任何经典的、经过时间考验的软件系统开发方法。

7、It looked like an Apple store. It had the classic Apple store winding staircase and weird upstairs sitting area.───它们看上去真像苹果的产品,和真的苹果专卖店并没有什么区别。

8、She displayed the classic symptoms of depression.───她显现出了忧郁症的典型症状。

9、Although the phrase "it's all Greek to me" seems to fit perfectly the project, knowledge of the classic language is not necessary.───“在我看来全是希腊文”这句话虽然很贴合这个项目,但是对于古希腊语言的掌握并非是必须的。

the classic相似词语短语

1、the classics───经典名著


3、the Jurassic───侏罗纪

4、the class war───阶级战争

5、cult classic───有关邪教的经典作品

6、the classifieds───分类广告

7、the Triassic───三叠纪


9、the classes───上层社会

the classics is classic.翻译


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