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go off to中文翻译,go off to是什么意思,go off to发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

go off to中文翻译,go off to是什么意思,go off to发音、用法及例句

1、go off to

go off to发音

英:  美:

go off to中文意思翻译



go off to双语使用场景

1、Do your kids go off to school feeling calm and confident? Or are they upset and grumpy?───你的孩子们去上学的时候,是心情平静、充满信心,还是心烦意乱、脾气暴躁?

2、So Im raised in this environment, and I go off to college.───因此,我就是在这种环境长大的。 后来,我上大学去了。

3、Once a month, we go off to the woods for a picnic.───我们每个月到林子里去野餐一次.

4、The best players go off to the big clubs, leaving us the dross.───最好的队员都投奔大俱乐部去了, 就只给我们剩下些不中用的人.

5、It is not just the brave that go off to fight wars.───不只是勇士们投身战争.

6、He go off to school with a satchel over his shoulder.───他背著书包上学去了.

7、The smart kids get good grades and go off to college.───聪明的孩子上能得到好分数,上大学啦.

8、Now I want nothing but to go off to the Western Hills.───我想到我过去的一切妄想,我好笑!

9、They go off to war singing and to a wedding in tears.───他们唱着歌去打仗,泪流满面地参加婚礼.

10、I alway go off to slleep very quickly.───我总是很快就睡着了.

11、You decide to go off to medical school, become a doctor.───你决定去读医学院,将来成为一个医生。

go off to相似词语短语

1、go off on one───一个人去吧

2、got off on───享乐;感到兴奋;被毒品麻醉

3、got off with───结识

4、go off crook───滚开克鲁克

5、go off with───v.拿去;抢走

6、gone off with───v.拿去;抢走

7、go off───离开;进行;变质;睡去;断掉;爆炸

8、go over to───v.朝…走去

9、goes off with───v.拿去;抢走

2、go off的意思



Clumsy . Did the timer go off ?我真笨拙定时器响了吗?

The two bombs were timed to go off together .这两枚炸弹被定在同时爆炸。

Fearing this you go off and do everything you 've been told .你恐惧纠结于此,便开始做你被教育去做的一切。

Your audience need to know that when they go off to their separate rooms that they have the power to ( politely ) make that person shut up .你的宾客需要明白当他们要离开此场馆而到各自的场馆去时,可以礼貌地让那位朋友闭嘴。

Are you just gonna go off like that without saying nothing ?你打算就这样,什么也不说就走吗?

Any bells go off ?有警钟响起来了吗?

Hear smoke alarm go off .听到烟雾报警就去.

You think I really wanted that bomb to go off jack ?你以为我真的想让那核弹爆炸,杰克?

The two photons go off together as coherent radiation .这两个光子一起发射出去,形成相干辐射。

When did she go off the theory ?她是什么时候放弃这一理论的?

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