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two weeks中文翻译,two weeks是什么意思,two weeks发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

two weeks中文翻译,two weeks是什么意思,two weeks发音、用法及例句

two weeks

two weeks发音

英:  美:

two weeks中文意思翻译



two weeks双语使用场景

1、She spent two weeks in hospital.───她住院两周。

2、Two weeks later, he found himself caught in the middle of a congressional debate over the size and direction of a behemoth stimulus package.───但仅仅两个礼拜之后,他就发现自己身处有关经济刺激计划的争论漩涡。

3、They gave her two weeks' notice.───他们通知她两周后搬走。

4、Indeed, less than two weeks later, Mr. Putin honored Mr. Surkov with a medal for service to Russia. And with that, Mr.───事实上,不到两个星期,普京就因苏尔科夫为俄罗斯所做的服务而授予他一枚勋章。

5、The calf was kept away from the other hippos in the zoo for the first two weeks of her life, while she bonded with her mother.───才出生的前两周小家伙总是远离动物园里的其他河马,一直粘着她的妈妈。

6、I said in my last sermon here two weeks ago, we ve got to understand again what faith is.───我在两周前讲道时说:我们要再次了解甚么是信心。

7、He's such a cheat . He never stays loyal to a girl for more than two weeks.───他是个骗子,他对女友的忠心不会超过两个星期。

8、B. An International meeting is going to be held in Beijing next week. He is leaving for Beijing tomorrow. And will be back in two weeks.───下周再北京会举行一个国际会议,明天他就要出发去北京了,两周后才回来。

9、Her baby is two weeks overdue.───她的胎儿已超过预产期两周了。

two weeks相似词语短语

1、work weeks───工作周

2、two cents───两分钱;少量


4、to weed───除草

5、to ween───到ween

6、to welk───是哪个

7、rag weeks───破布周

8、to weep───哭泣

9、to wee───对wee

用英语怎么说 “两周内”和“两周后” 急求

in two weeks 表示两周内

after two weeks表示两周后。


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