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management science中文翻译,management science是什么意思,management science发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

management science中文翻译,management science是什么意思,management science发音、用法及例句

1、management science

management science发音

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management science中文意思翻译




management science双语使用场景

1、Now, largely as a result of efforts by Dr Zyphur and others like him, management science looks set for a thorough, biology-inspired overhaul.───现在,很大程度上因为Zyphur博士及其同仁们的努力,管理科学看起来要经历一番彻底的、受生物学启发的大变革。

2、Management science can be roughly classified as the classical theory and the contemporary theory.───管理科学理论可大致分为古典理论与当代理论.

3、Library management, the combination of Management science and Library science , is an interdisciplinary Integration science.───图书馆管理学可分为三部分图书馆管理理论、书馆管理方法与技术 、 书馆管理应用.

4、It is true that much management science theory is applicable, but there is little that focuses on the specific and unique environment of project management.───的确,很多管理科学理论具有一定的可适应性,但是它们几乎没有关注到特定的和独特的项目管理环境。

5、Marketing is an applied which based on economy science, behavior science, management science and modern technology.───市场营销学是一门建立在经济科学 、 行为科学 、 管理科学和现代科学技术基础之上的应用科学.

6、Virtual enterprise relates to management science, information technology and communication technology.───虚拟企业是管理科学 、 息技术、信技术相结合的产物.

7、The computer technology and the management science union promoted themodern business management technology formation.───计算机技术与管理科学的结合促进了现代企业管理技术的形成.

8、The Company's operations and management science in an orderly manner, with particular emphasis on product quality.───本公司的经营管理科学有序, 尤其重视产品质量.

9、Information users research is an important part in the research domain of the information management science.───信息用户研究是信息管理学研究领域中的重要组成部分.

10、The industrial, or management, engineer draws upon the fields of systems engineering, management science.───工业工程师, 或者管理工程师,吸收(借鉴)了系统工程和管理科学领域(的方法和原理).

11、That means, we started to learn management science in the government, so that government — and also in corporations — so they could manage effectively.───这意味着政府部门的官员,开始学习管理科学,公司里也是一样-,他们可以有效管理。

12、Has grasped the rich management science and the computer theory, strengthened own ability.───掌握了丰富的管理学和计算机理论, 增强了自身的能力.

management science相似词语短语

1、management skills───管理技术

2、management trainee───管理见习员

3、management unions───管理工会

4、management sciences───管理科学

5、management course───管理课程

6、management style───管理风格

7、management union───管理工会



英语单词scientific,adj.科学的;有系统的;应用科学的;精通学理的,有学问的。短语scientific management科学管理;科学管理法;科学管理理论;迷信管理。scientific notation[数]科学记数法;科学记号;科学计数法;科学记录。Scientific Reports科学报告;科学报道;科学报导;科学陈诉。


1、Scientific stories titillate the fancy of the school boys.


2、He is engaged in scientific research.


3、Groundless doubt is unjustice and lack of scientific basis.


4、The scientific study of such changes.


5、Argument on Darwinian Scientific Paradigm.


6、This report corresponds with the existing scientific literature on bedtime and wellness.


7、Scientific work is differentiated from art by its necessary connection with the idea of progress.


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