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名侦探柯南的英文(detective conan中文翻译,detective conan是什么意思,detective conan发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

名侦探柯南的英文(detective conan中文翻译,detective conan是什么意思,detective conan发音、用法及例句)

detective conan

detective conan发音

英:  美:

detective conan中文意思翻译



detective conan双语使用场景

1、Question: Does a planning already exist for the end of "Detective Conan" resp. is the number of the remaining volumes already known?───问:对【名侦探柯南】的结局已经有任何的计划了吗?可以知道离完结还有多少卷吗?

2、Although we also enjoy Japan's short-running Sherlock Hound, Detective Conan's prodigious comics and toon output demands inclusion in this list.───虽然我们亦很欣赏宫崎骏的短剧《名侦探福尔摩斯》(Sherlock Hound),但生命力持久的《名侦探柯南》似乎更值得我们铭记。

3、A cartoon from childhood with can be said to me now that detective Conan!───有一部动漫可以说从童年伴随到我现在那就是名侦探柯南!

4、My favorite cartoon is DETECTIVE CONAN.───我最喜欢的动画片是《名侦探柯南》。

5、Not until then did I understand why the Japanese cartoon film Detective Conan used this "Conan" as the name of its hero.───直到那时我明白为什么日本卡通**侦探柯南利用这个“柯南”作为名称,其英雄。

6、Believe that every student must have seen the name of Detective Conan, he is one of Japan's top ten best animation.───相信每一个学生都见过“名侦探柯南”这个名字,他是日本最好的十个动画之一。

7、Detective Conan a new high school detective Kudo, known as the savior of the Japanese police, Heisei era of Sherlock Holmes.───名侦探柯南高中生侦探工藤新一,被称为日本警察的救世主,平成年代的的福尔摩斯。

8、Whodunit: Gosho Aoyama, the Japanese artist who merged his love of Sherlock Holmes, Akira Kurosawa and Arsene Lupin III into the long-running manga and anime series Detective Conan.───创作: 日本漫画家青山刚昌(Gosho Aoyama)把自己对福尔摩斯、黑泽明和亚森罗萍(Arsene Lupin III)的喜爱融入了一部盛久不衰的漫画和动画片中,它就是《名侦探柯南》。

9、Detective conan is Japan a detective reasoning plot as the theme of the cartoon works.───名侦探柯南是日本一部以侦探推理情节为主题的漫画作品。

detective conan相似词语短语

1、detective work───侦探工作;侦察任务

2、detective constable───警探

3、detective works───侦探工作;侦察任务

4、detective sergeant───警长

5、detective story───侦探小说

6、detective constables───警探

7、detective novel───侦探小说

8、detective novels───侦探小说

9、restrictive covenant───限制性的约言;限制性条款;约束性规定

detective conan?

Detective Conan





1. 名侦探柯南

2. 名侦探柯南,被狙击的侦探


1.I like detective conan, and by the tennis nets.


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