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come in的意思(Come in中文翻译,Come in是什么意思,Come in发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

come in的意思(Come in中文翻译,Come in是什么意思,Come in发音、用法及例句)

1、Come in

Come in发音

英:  美:

Come in中文意思翻译


进来; 到达; 当选; (赛跑等比赛中)取得(名次)


Come in双语使用场景

1、Oh good, Tom's just come in.───嗯好,汤姆正好进来了。

2、I'm not very well today, I can't come in.───我今天身体不适,所以不能参加了。

3、Would you come in here a moment, please?───请进来一下好吗?

4、Rose asked again, "But where do we come in, Henry?"───罗丝又问:“但是需要我们干什么,亨利?”

5、Can I come in here too, on both points?───我能否也加入进来,说说这两点呢?

6、Colleges and universities come in all shapes and sizes.───学院和大学林林总总,一应俱全。

7、Barry had obviously come in on the tail-end of the conversation.───巴里显然是在谈话快结束时加入的。

8、Guests were told to come in fancy dress.───客人们被告知要身穿化装舞会服装前来。

9、I noticed them come in.───我注意到他们进来了。

10、They had come in from the cold and the wet.───他们从寒冷且下着雨的外面进来。

11、Women can come in here and not feel intimidated.───女性来到这里不会感到害怕。

12、People who are drug addicts come in and steal.───瘾君子会进来偷东西。

13、Please come in.───请进。

14、The badges come in twenty different colours and shapes.───这种徽章有20种不同的颜色和形状。

15、You may come in if you wish.───你想进来就进来吧。

16、That key will come in handy if you lock yourself out.───要是你把自己锁在了屋外,那把钥匙就派上用场了。

17、Dolores, please come in and countersign a cheque.───多洛雷斯,请进来连署支票。

18、They have the right to come in and inspect the meter.───他们有权进来查表。

Come in相似词语短语

1、come it───拿出钱来;卖弄;(拳击)示弱;泄密

2、came in───进来;进入

3、home in───安全跑回本垒

4、come into───进入;得到

5、chime in───插话

6、comes in───进来;到达;流行起来

7、come on───v.快点;开始;要求;上演;跟着来;突然产生

2、came from、come on、come up、come in、come about、come across、come along的释义,急急急各位学姐、学哥帮帮忙?

come about 发生

come across 遇见……

come after 跟随

come along 随同

come and go 来来去去

come apart 破碎

come around 来

come at 到达

come away 掉下

come back 回来

come before 优先于……

come between 介入……之间

come by 走过

come down 降下

come for 来迎接

come forward 挺身而出

come in 进来

come into 进入

come of 由……产生

come off 从……掉落

come on 上演

come out 出来

come out of 出自

come through 经过

come to 来,到

come together 和好

come under 归入……类别

come up 上升

come upon 发现……

come up with 想出,找出(答案)


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