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heat sink中文翻译,heat sink是什么意思,heat sink发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

heat sink中文翻译,heat sink是什么意思,heat sink发音、用法及例句

heat sink

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heat sink中文意思翻译


吸热设备; 冷源; 散热片; (半导体)热沉


heat sink双语使用场景

1、dust on the laptop CPU heat sink after three years of use has made the laptop unusable due to frequent thermal shutdowns.───灰尘的笔记本电脑CPU的散热器经过三年的使用,使笔记本电脑由于经常使用的热停机。

2、Very high heat sink capacity of the MEPCM was found by DSC method.───最后的dsc热 分析表明了MEPCM具有很高的蓄热能力.

3、In succession, the paper calculated and analyzed size effect of heat sink in the low - temperature measurement.───接着论文主要计算分析了低温测量中热沉的尺寸效应.

4、Complex heat sink devices, including liquid cooled cold plates and stacked fins with heat pipes.───复杂的散热器产品, 其中包括液体冷却的冷板块和堆叠鳍片与热管.

5、However, this parameter has slightly effect on average heat sink temperature.───但此参数对平均热沉温度影响较微弱.

6、The main production including large, medium and small cars, construction machinery dedicated heat sink and cooler.───主要生产大 、 中、小型汽车 、 工程机械专用散热器和中冷器.

7、How to select the suitable heat sink?───如何选择合适的散热片?

8、The heat - sink method has a fast warm - up time.───渗热法预热快.

9、used to increase heat sink effectiveness by closing the air gap existing between the top of the processor and the fan heat sink.───用来增加热洗涤槽效力被关闭在处理器的顶端和狂热者之间存在热的空气缝隙下沉。

10、Acting as the earth's heat sink, the oceans expand like the mercury in a thermometer.───海洋就像地球的温度计,温度升高,海平面就像温度计中的水银一样上涨。

11、Failure phenomenon: a mistake of the CPU heat sink Nongdiao the Button.───故障现象: 一次误将CPU散热片的扣具弄掉了.

12、Therefore, the average heat sink temperature decreases as air Reynolds number increases.───因此, 平均散热器的空气温度随雷诺数增加.

13、The array can use screws to fix on the heat - sink.───LED面光源能使用螺丝固定于散热器上.

14、For constant fin width, the heat sink with the highest fins has the best thermal performance.───在固定散热片宽度的条件下, 高度最高的散热片有最佳的散热效果.

15、Temperature detector should be installed on the upper part of Heat Sink.───温度传感器应该装在散热器的上部.

16、Therefore, the increase channel height results in lower heat sink temperatures.───因此, 通道高度的增加可导致热沉温度的降低.

17、Therefore, the average heat sink temperature decreases as air number increases.───因此, 平均热沉温度随气流雷诺数的增加而降低.

18、Vascular inflow occlusion theoretically enhances the effect of tissue freezing by removing the so - heat sink phenomenon.───脉管流阻塞理论上可以根据移除了吸热现象的影响而增加了组织的冷冻效果.

heat sink相似词语短语

1、heat sinks───散热片;散热器;散热系统

2、heat gun───热风枪;热风器



5、heat guns───热风枪;热风器

6、health drink───保健饮料



热沉:是指它的温度不随传递到它的热能的大小变化,它可以是一块金属,也可以是大气、大地等物体。  1、工业上是指微型散热片,用来冷却电子芯片的装置。  2、航天工程上指用液氮壁板内表面涂黑漆来模拟宇宙冷黑环境的装置。  3、指目前LED照明封装中,由于LED发光时会产生高热量,会使用高导热率的铜柱,使热量导向封装体外面。此LED铜柱也叫热沉。LD(激光二极管)也产生较多热量,也需要被装在热沉上以帮助散热从而稳定工作温度。

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