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buy up(up up中文翻译,up up是什么意思,up up发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

buy up(up up中文翻译,up up是什么意思,up up发音、用法及例句)

up up

up up发音

英:  美:

up up中文意思翻译



up up双语使用场景

1、Then, for the last 5 minutes before your wake up, a charming nature sound (Tweets, Wind, Water) will fade in and finally wake up up.───然后,在最后5分钟,然后你醒来,一个迷人的自然声音(鸣叫,风,水)将淡出并最终唤醒了。

2、The land before you will heave up, up to several hundred feet high, and tumble toward you.───你面前的陆地将会鼓起达几百英尺高,并且朝着你跌落下来。

3、Up, up, until the hut below has become a little. When he arrived, he climbed to the top of a large cloud, and in a castle in the nearby.───向上爬,向上爬,直到下面的小屋都变成了一个小点。当他到达顶部以后,他爬上一个很大的云上,并朝一个附近的城堡走过去。

4、Hereafter see own very of kid, see that bludger guard a gate in a little while to block up up.───以后看好自己的孩子,看到那个混混就赶快把门给堵上。

5、My worries that eggs would be too heavy to eat during strenuous hiking vanished as I bounced along up, up, up the Western Hills after lunch.───午餐过后当我沿途一直一直爬到西山的时候,我的担心--那些鸡蛋会在艰难而激烈的远足中太难消化都消失了。

6、Qin Mu is very weak, applaud Qin Tian's head to say with smile, Moncler Jackets, " really worries that how did I get up up nobody?───秦母很虚弱,拍拍秦恬的头笑道,“真的担心,怎么我醒来没人了?”

7、The elevator went up-up-up and opened back up at the Pearly Gates and she found St. Peter waiting for her.───电梯升啊升,重新回到了天国之门,她发现圣彼得正在门口等她。

up up相似词语短语

1、pump up───用泵把…抽上来;热切期望

2、bug up───迷惑起来,激动起来

3、jump up───跳起来;上投断层

4、amp up───放大

5、buy up───尽量收购;全买

6、soup up───加大马力;使有生气

7、bump up───突然增加;提升



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