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give it up中文翻译,give it up是什么意思,give it up发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

give it up中文翻译,give it up是什么意思,give it up发音、用法及例句

give it up

give it up发音

英:  美:

give it up中文意思翻译



give it up双语使用场景

1、Give it up! You are no match for a Crusader army.───放弃吧! 你根本就不是十字军的对手. (摧毁建筑)

2、There is no help for it but give it up.───除放弃之外毫无它法.

3、Well , of course, I hated to give it up.───当然喽, 我是绝不肯认输的.

4、If you decide to give it up, would you please replace it?───如果某件商品您不想买,请放回原处好 吗 ?

5、Let's give it up for pop diva Coco Lee!───让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎流行天后李玟!

6、If you smoke opium, give it up.───如果你吸鸦片, 就戒掉吧.

7、When you have an animus against a person, you should give it up.───当你对别人怀有敌意时, 你应当放弃这种想法.

8、Why do you discontinue compiling your dictionary? Don't you think it a pity to give it up when it is nearly completed?───为什么你不继续编纂你的词典 呢 ?功亏一篑,你不觉得可惜 吗 ?

9、Ladies and Gentlemen, give it up for Fred Durst.───女士们,先生们,请为弗雷德·德斯特来点掌声。

10、For God's sake, Joe, give it up! You'll kill the poor girl.───看在上帝份上, 乔, 住手吧! 你会弄死这个可怜的姑娘的.

11、Why not give it up and turn in?───为什么不放弃它去睡觉呢?

12、One chance, and you think l should just give it up for what you do?───机会只有一次, 你认为我该为了你的想法就放弃这个机会?

13、I wouldn't give it up for anything.───我决不放弃。

14、The enemy were thus reduced to a passive position in which they found it hard to give up the battle and yet had to give it up.───敌人于是就陷入了欲罢不能,而又不得不罢的被动地位.

15、Alright everybody, give it up for the Backstreet Boys!───好吧,大家都为后街男孩鼓掌!

16、You would be advised [ Let me advise you ] to give it up.───有人会劝告你 [ 让我告诉你 ] 要放弃它.

17、The baby was dying, but the doctors did not give it up.───婴儿己奄奄一息, 但医生并没停止抢救.

18、you give it up?───你放弃了吗?

give it up相似词语短语

1、give it hot───给它热的

2、live it up───狂欢一场;过着逍遥的日子

3、gives up───放弃;交出

4、give it to───责备

5、given up───已放弃

6、give it up for───放弃吧

7、mix it up───猛打;激战;争吵

8、give up───放弃;交出

9、give it heaps───把它堆起来


give it up是一个游戏,中文名是永不言弃,这种翻译不是严格按照语法翻译的,give it up 不是永不放弃,never give up才是永不言弃。 give it up是个游戏,官方中文名叫永不言弃。 《永不言弃 Give It Up!》是一款极具虐心色彩的音乐题材闯关游戏。在游戏中,我们需要操控一个黑色棉花状小人在一个个长短不一的树棍上跳动,当树棍顶端为绿色时玩家可以放心大胆地踩上去,而当它转变为红色时则需要及时避开。

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