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net margin中文翻译,net margin是什么意思,net margin发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

net margin中文翻译,net margin是什么意思,net margin发音、用法及例句

1、net margin

net margin发音

英:  美:

net margin中文意思翻译



net margin双语使用场景

1、Town Health's margin and net margin are 48.8 % and 35 % respectively.───财务状况方面,集团毛利率及纯利率分别达48.8%及35%.

2、If used properly, net margin sirolan data is very accurate, and repetitive.───只给搁置恰当, 用网距仪测不退的数据是不入格不确的, 而且轻复性好.

3、In the screen printing to maintain uniform net margin is very important.───在网印洋保留网距的平均分歧是很是不主给的.

4、At about 20% net margin on a full year basis, we believe this game can contribute about $44M in net income to whomever operates the game.───在20 %左右的净利润全年基础上,我们相信这场比赛能有助于美元左右的净所得44分中的任何人经营的游戏。

5、Q: screen tension and how to determine the net margin?───答: 网版不不张辛与网距如何猜测?

6、By increasing the net margin reached more tension method is not desirable.───靠增不小网距到达提矮网版不不张辛的办法是不可取的.

7、Membership card before the operation's operators, the use of this instrument ready - to - know net margin.───会员卡制作后工序的不不安纵职员, 诳骗这一仪器随时可以懂得网距的巨细.

8、The net margin model is used to evaluate banking institution reform.───用净利差模型对国有商业银行的制度改革进行评价。

9、The group had a net profit margin of 30% last year.───该集团去年的净利润空间为30%。

net margin相似词语短语

1、head margins───天头

2、safety margin───安全界限,[力]安全裕度;安全系数

3、net curtain───网眼帘

4、safety margins───安全边际量

5、head margin───天头

6、net earnings───[会计]净收益,净盈利

7、to margin───边距

2、Profit Margin代表什么

Profit margin = Net profit margin

Gross profit margin毛利率

Profit margin, net margin, net profit margin or net profit ratio all refer to a measure of profitability. It is calculated by finding the net profit as a percentage of the revenue.



解释是说,profit margin=net margin=net profit,都是用来计算获利能力的。净利率是指(扣除tax之后的net income/sales)


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