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put across中文翻译,put across是什么意思,put across发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

put across中文翻译,put across是什么意思,put across发音、用法及例句

1、put across

put across发音

英:  美:

put across中文意思翻译


把…横置于…上; 把…送到…的对面; 用欺骗的方法使(某人)接受或相信; <非正>解释


put across双语使用场景

1、Do you give him a fair opportunity to put across his views?───你会给他们平等的机会去表达自己的看法吗?

2、During the meeting, her ideas were clearly put across.───会议期间, 她的想法被清楚地理解了.

3、I didn't understand the point she was trying to put across.───我不明白她骗我的意图.

4、He could not put across his point of view to the audience.───他没能使听众理解他的观点.

5、Who can speak and put across everything he knows?───知无不言,言无不尽,有谁能做到 呢 .

6、Remember each of these writers is not just telling you stuff that happened because it happened, they each are writing a book intending to put across a theological message.───别忘了这些书的作者,并不是为了记述已发生的事情,他们各自在写一本书,目的是阐明一条神学信息。

7、Did I put across the idea?───我把意思讲清楚了 吗 ?

8、The new librarian put across a fine new library building.───新图书馆长成功地募集了新图书馆的款项.

9、A good commercial put across the attractive feature of a product.───好广告能突显产品吸引人的特徵.

10、The information had not been put across properly.───消息未能有效传达.

11、Well, so far it looks good. Why don't you put across the back?───目前看起来还不错, 你为什么不在后面装上围栏?

12、Consider myself a normal person, so I have to get it through my head that any mistake I make will be blown up and put across the (news) wire.───我把自己当成普通人,所以我就得记在脑子里,我犯的每个错误都会被夸大,成为新闻。

13、What point is he trying to put across?───他在企图论证什么?

14、We teachers often find such things very difficult to put across.───我们教师常常发现这类问题很难讲清楚.

15、If it is put across well, the audience will get it.───如果能讲清楚, 听众是能理解的.

16、I am so happy that you remember every word I put across to you.───我最开心的事情,就是我解释的每个单词你们都记住了.

17、He failed to put across his feelings when they went out together.───他们谈恋爱的时候,他不善于表达他的情感.

18、Is there anything I can put across the hallway?───有什么东西我可以放到走廊那边去的 吗 ?

put across相似词语短语

1、to put across───穿

2、puts across───v.圆满完成;使被接受;解释清楚

3、get across───vi.通过;使...被理解

4、cut across───抄近路通过;径直穿过;打断

5、runs across───偶然遇到;跑着穿过

6、run across───偶然遇到;跑着穿过

7、cuts across───抄近路通过;径直穿过;打断

8、gets across───vi.通过;使...被理解

9、got across───(使)越过;(使)横穿马路;(使)被了解;让…听懂(getacross的过去式和过去分词)



adv. 成一行的,纵长的; 沿着,循着; 一块儿; 上前

prep. 沿着; 顺着

In addition to the uses shown below, along is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘go along with’, ‘play along’, and ‘string along’.除下列用法外,along 还可用于go along with, play along 和 string along 等短语动词中。


prep. 穿过; 横穿,横过; 与……交叉; 在……对面

adv. 横过,越过; 在对面; 交叉; 斜对面

across is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘come across’, ‘get across’, and ‘put across’.除下列用法外,across还可用于come across, get across和put across等短语动词中。

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