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lessons learned中文翻译,lessons learned是什么意思,lessons learned发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

lessons learned中文翻译,lessons learned是什么意思,lessons learned发音、用法及例句

1、lessons learned

lessons learned发音

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lessons learned中文意思翻译



lessons learned双语使用场景

1、I tried to capture "lessons learned" in my essays.───我努力地在文中捕捉那些学到地经验。

2、Lessons learned through failure tend to be much more meaningful than lessons learned otherwise.───相较之下,从失败中吸取的教训比从其他地方学到的东西更加深刻.

3、The valuable lessons learned therefrom should not be arbitrarily dismissed , but should instead be treasured.───从中获得的宝贵经验不应该任意抛弃, 而应该倍加珍惜.

4、Some officers of the art of war are trying to summarize the lessons learned.───一些致力于战争艺术的军官正试图总结应吸取的经验教训.

5、Although the marathon is a physical test, the lessons learned extend far beyond the body.───尽管马拉松是对体能的测试, 但所收获的远不只于此.

6、Lessons learned from the past can guide one in the future.───不忘,后事之师。

7、But whatever the case , It'seems the financial lessons learned in childhood are enormously powerful.───但不管怎样, 孩童时期学到的理财知识似乎特别有效.

8、Write Design Guidelines based on lessons learned from old product reviews and new process requirements.───根据已有产品评审总结和新的流程需求,撰写设计指导.

9、Sharing lessons learned , best proctices, etc.───交流“成功的经验”和吸取“失败的教训”.

10、The lessons learned at the cost of blood helped to sober us.───血的教训使我们的头脑清醒了。

11、In the morning, each team gave a report of their experience and the main lessons learned.───早晨, 每个队员汇报了他们的体验和所教的主要课程.

12、Lessons learned from the past can guide one in the future.───前事不忘,后事之师.

13、An excellent collection of the lessons learned so far in multiplayer game development and operation.───对大型网络游戏的开发和运营有很高的学术价值.

14、Listen as five former RPI incubator managers share lessons learned from a quarter century of experience.───5个孵化器的创始人将与大家分享4分之1个世纪的经验.

lessons learned相似词语短语


2、lesson plan───教学计划,教案


4、loss leader───为招揽顾客而削本出售的商品



7、lesser charge───较小的电荷

8、fast learner───快学习者

9、lesson plans───教学计划,教案


AAR (Android App Review) 常用工具包括:

1.Android Studio:Android Studio 是 Google 官方推出的 Android 应用程序开发工具,支持 Android 应用程序的开发、测试和调试。

2.Emulator:Emulator 是 Google 提供的虚拟机工具,用于在计算机上模拟 Android 设备的环境。

3.Gradle:Gradle 是 Google 和 Open Source Java EE 和 Android 项目的构建工具和自动化构建工具。

4.Jenkins:Jenkins 是流行的开源持续集成和持续交付工具,可以用于构建、测试和部署 Android 应用程序。

5.Git:Git 是分布式版本控制系统,可以用于管理和维护 Android App 的代码库。

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