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all clear中文翻译,all clear是什么意思,all clear发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

all clear中文翻译,all clear是什么意思,all clear发音、用法及例句

1、all clear

all clear发音

英:  美:

all clear中文意思翻译



all clear双语使用场景

1、The horse hadn't cost him anything; so whatever he got was all clear profit.───那匹马并没有花他什么钱,所以他赚到的都是净利润。

2、The sound floats over all, clear like the night , liquid , serene, and lonely.───这音乐到处飘荡, 清朗得象月夜,象流水, 宁静之中有几分孤寂.

3、Are you all clear about the Sales & Marketing Meeting Procedures or have some other comments?───是否都清楚市场销售会议的标准和程序,谁还有其他的观点?

4、But the outlook for cloud computing isn't all clear skies just yet.───但展望云计算是不是所有的晴朗的天空刚刚还.

5、You made it all clear what I'm supposed to do.───我应该做什么,你早就一清二楚了.

6、Are you all clear now about what you have to do?───你现在对你干什么清楚了 吗 ?

7、Once the Council have given us the all - clear the builders will start at once.───一旦理事会批准了,就马上开始修建工作.

8、all clear was sounded about 10 minutes after the alert was given.───警报响起十分钟后,危险解除的信号就响了。

9、The signal shows all clear.───这信号表示一切没问题.

10、I was given the all clear by the doctor to resume playing.───医生准许我重新开始训练。

11、The ship was given the all-clear to sail.───这艘船获得了航行许可。

12、It is not at all clear who actually invented the telescope.───完全不清楚望远镜究竟是谁发明的.

13、If she gives a surprise to the public, it will be all clear gain.───如果她能一鸣惊人的话, 那是意外的收获.

14、He arm in the drawer and out comes the cookie jar . All clear.───戴维正把手伸进饼干罐子时被他母亲逮住了.

15、At the moment the issues are not at all clear.───现在这些问题还是悬而未决的.

16、Are you all clear about it?───都清楚了 吗 ?

17、I was given the all clear by the doctor to resume playing.───医生批准我继续参加比赛了。

all clear相似词语短语


2、to clear───清除,清零;采伐

3、air cleaner───[环境]空气过滤器

4、all over───到处,遍及;浑身;全部结束

5、all ears───洗耳恭听;全神贯注地听

6、in clear───用一般文字

7、ball clay───球土;块状粘土

8、all clears───解除警报






n. 清除;空隙;adj. 清楚的;清澈的;晴朗的;无罪的;vt. 通过;清除;使干净;跳过;vi. 放晴;变清澈;adv. 清晰地;完全地;n. 人名。


make clear 显示

in the clear 不受阻碍

clear of 清除

clear up 清理

clear water 清水

clear about 明白

keep clear of 避开

crystal clear 完全透明的

all clear 解除警报

clear away 清除

in clear 用一般文字

make it clear that 弄清楚

clear sky 晴空

stand clear of 避开

clear day 晴天

clear blue 鲜蓝

clear out 走开

clear view 清晰视界

loud and clear 一清二楚


1、Clear water gushed into the irrigational channel.


2、To clear that rubbish away they may have to bulldoze.


3、Do you mind backing off a bit, Sir, while we clear this wreck out of the way?


4、You'll have to clear it with management.


5、The fans booed when it became clear that their football team would lose again.


6、The bill must clear through the assembly before it becomes legal.


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