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potassium nitrate中文翻译,potassium nitrate是什么意思,potassium nitrate发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

potassium nitrate中文翻译,potassium nitrate是什么意思,potassium nitrate发音、用法及例句

potassium nitrate

potassium nitrate发音

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potassium nitrate中文意思翻译



potassium nitrate双语使用场景

1、During the day, energy is stored by heating up large tanks of molten salt composed of a mixture of 60 percent potassium nitrate and 40 percent sodium nitrate.───白天,能量通过加热庞大容器里的熔融盐保存起来,熔融盐由60%的硝酸钾和40%的硝酸钠组成。

2、Gunpowder is composed of sulfur, carbon, and potassium nitrate.───火药是由硫 、 碳和硝酸钾组成.

3、Through the test, the domestic KCl is purified by chemical precipitation process and can be met the requirement for the production of agriculture-grade potassium nitrate.───通过试验,初步确定了采用化学沉淀法可净化中国产氯化钾,并且净化后氯化钾满足硝酸钾生产的需要。

4、And ammonia had effective selectivity for the separation of potassium nitrate.───氨对硝酸钾的选择分离结晶效果较好.

5、Transparent, colourless, or white powder or crystals of potassium nitrate ( KNO 3 ) , found native in deposits.───硝石:硝酸钾的无色透明白色的粉末或结晶体, 产于天然的矿床.

6、Then they immerse this electrode in a potassium nitrate electrolyte solution.───最后他们把电极放在钠硝酸盐电极的溶液中进行沉淀。

7、Agricultural potassium nitrate and ammonium chloride are produced double decomposition from potassium chloride and ammonium nitrate.───用氯化钾与硝酸铵为原料,采用复分解法生产农用硝酸钾与氯化铵.

8、The chloride - free potash fertilizer include potassium sulphate, potassium nitrate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and so on.───我国目前生产的无氯钾肥主要有硫酸钾 、 硝酸钾和磷酸二氢钾等.

potassium nitrate相似词语短语

1、potassium nitrates───[无化]硝酸钾

2、potassium bitartrate───[有化]酒石酸氢钾

3、potassium chlorate───n.[无化]氯酸钾

4、potassium chlorates───n.[无化]氯酸钾

5、potassium sulfate───[肥料]硫酸钾

6、potassium bitartrates───[有化]酒石酸氢钾

7、potassium sulphate───硫酸钾

8、potassium dichromate───[无化]重铬酸钾

9、potassium sulfates───[肥料]硫酸钾



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