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fishoil(Fish oil中文翻译,Fish oil是什么意思,Fish oil发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

fishoil(Fish oil中文翻译,Fish oil是什么意思,Fish oil发音、用法及例句)

Fish oil

Fish oil发音

英:  美:

Fish oil中文意思翻译



Fish oil双语使用场景

1、Moderately resistant to fish oil and other animal and vegetable oils . Not resistant to aromatic solvents.───在一定程度上也耐鱼油和其它动植物油,但不耐芳烃类溶剂.

2、This was reported in less than 7 % of all fish oil studies.───但据报道,这个问题仅存在于少于7%的所有鱼油实验中.

3、The new drug is derived from fish oil.───这种新药是从鱼油中提炼出来的。

4、It is reported that many Chinese babies are taking too much fish oil, twice as much as they physically need.───据报道,许多中国宝宝摄入的鱼油过多,是他们身体所需的两倍。

5、Pharmaceutical grade fish oil capsules are also available that are virtually contamination free.───确实做到无污染的药品级鱼油胶囊也可行.

6、Fish oil supplements can cause problems for diabetics predisposed to easy bleeding or haemorrhage.───补充鱼油会引起糖尿病的一些问题,例如出血.

7、Now we can supply the compete equipment of fish oil refining.───现可供应精炼鱼油成套设备.

8、Some took fish oil, others a placebo.───一些人服用鱼油,另一些服用安慰剂。

9、This paper discussed the antioxygenation of raffinose to fish oil.───本文探讨了棉籽糖对鱼油的抗氧化作用.

10、Women who take fish oil supplements while pregnant may improve the eye - hand coordination of their children.───怀孕期间补充鱼油的妇女可提高其小儿 手眼 协调能力.

11、Does lecithin deepen sea fish oil to you can treat disease of blood fat?───卵磷脂加深海鱼油能不能治疗高血脂病?

12、Other side effects of fish oil may be fishy burps or a fishy aftertaste.───鱼油的其他副作用可能来自于其腥臭的气味和回味.

13、Tuna fish oil - is a source of omega - 3 long chain fatty acids.───金枪鱼油 - 是OMGEGA -3 的来源.

14、These side effects can be avoided by using pharmaceutical grade fish oil supplements.───这些副作用可以通过使用药物级的鱼油补充剂来避免.

15、Some brands of fish oil are of higher quality than others.───有些品牌的鱼油在品质上优于其他的牌子.

16、Fish oil was extracted from yellow fin tuna ( Thunnus albacares ) head by protease hydrolysis.───利用蛋白酶酶解法从黄鳍 金枪鱼 加工的下脚料——鱼头中提取鱼油.

17、Many people report mild nausea and bloating after taking fish oil capsules.───服用鱼油胶囊后,许多人有轻微反胃和胃胀气现象.

18、Although fish oil supplements have significant health benefits, they're not always well tolerated.───尽管鱼油补充剂有显著地保健效果, 却并不总是耐受良好.

Fish oil相似词语短语

1、fish kill───鱼类死亡

2、fish joint───鱼尾形接头

3、fish bowl───鱼缸;毫无隐秘的状态



6、Danish oil───丹麦石油

7、fish bowls───鱼缸;毫无隐秘的状态

8、fish out───掏出,摸索出;捕尽鱼

9、fish tail───鱼尾爪脚;鱼尾步;鱼尾峰;鱼尾杆

美国的FISH OIL是什么东西?有何功效?


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