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spilling out中文翻译,spilling out是什么意思,spilling out发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

spilling out中文翻译,spilling out是什么意思,spilling out发音、用法及例句

1、spilling out

spilling out发音

英:  美:

spilling out中文意思翻译



spilling out双语使用场景

1、On Thursday the company was able to isolate that pipe and on Friday it partially fixed the leak, though some oil was still spilling out.───壳牌公司在周四隔离了该管道并于周五部分修复了泄漏情况,尽管还是有些石油漏了出来。

2、One of its members, Takatoshi Ito, of Tokyo University, says the ideas spilling out of the council point to a new stage of change for Japan.───从委员会泄漏的其成员,同时任职于东京大学的伊藤孝俊讲话表明日本会转向进入一个新阶段。

3、Just over a year later, troubles at the company began spilling out.───仅仅一年多之后,中国森林控股的问题就开始暴露出来。

4、come off the bottle, and the wine is spilling out!───瓶盖掉了,酒溢出来了!

5、The questions were begging to come pouring out of my mouth like water spilling out of a tiny hole chiseled in the Hoover dam.───我忍不住发问一连串的疑问,就像水不断从胡弗堤坝的一个小孔里溢流出来。

6、they try to possess it, they demand , they expect . . . and just like the water spilling out of your hand , love will escape from you.───他们尝试去占有他,他们有需求,他们有盼望。就像水溢出你的手掌,爱也会远离你。

7、I moved some of the hanging clothes and found a small piece of cardboard taped to the wall with the light spilling out from around it.───我移动了一些绞死衣服而且发现了一个小的被以带子绑起到和光的墙壁从在它周围溢出出的厚纸板。

8、she been spilling out her troubles to you again?───她是不是又向你诉苦了?

9、milk is spilling out!───牛奶潽出来了!

spilling out相似词语短语

1、pulling out───起出

2、filling out───填写;变丰满,变大

3、spelling out───讲清楚

4、selling out───卖完;卖光

5、chilling out───v.冷静;放松

6、skittling out───v.使出局

7、shelling out───付款;还账;为…提供

8、spinning out───消磨;拖延时间

9、spilling over───溢出;被迫使出来

2、be driven by 整个是谓语吗?


在这句里,主语是economic recovory ,will 表示将来时,be是助动词,will be 构成了句子主干中的谓语。driven by是被……驱使,be后面的一长串“ driven by research commercialisation spilling out of our university ”,是一个宾语从句,可理解为“research commercialisation which is spilling out of our university”,即我们大学里涌现的科研商业化。从大体结构来看,整个句子是被动将来时的主谓宾结构,宾语包含了一个定语从句。

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