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line in中文翻译,line in是什么意思,line in发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

line in中文翻译,line in是什么意思,line in发音、用法及例句

line in

line in发音

英:  美:

line in中文意思翻译



line in双语使用场景

1、A line in David Shields' Reality Hunger prompts Anderson to write, "I'm going to punch this bk in the face if it makes this point again. "───读罢戴维•谢尔德《现实饥饿》中的一句话,安德森写道:“要这书再这么写,我就可着劲儿给它一拳。”

2、boundary of an area of land is a line in people's imagination that separates it from other areas.───一块土地的边界是人们想象中的一条与其他地区分开的线。

3、She traced a line in the sand.───她在沙地上画了一条线。

4、Because it is often shorter than the rest, the last line in a paragraph may remain unjustified after this command is invoked.───因为段落最后一行的长度通常比其他行短,因此调用此命令后,段落最后一行可能保持两端不对齐的状态。

5、There is not a dull line in the whole article.───整篇文章中没有一行是乏味的。

6、Every line in his face deepened as he said it, and put in its affecting evidence of the suffering he had undergone.───在讲话的时候,他脸上一条条的皱纹更加深了,对他受过的苦痛提供了令人感动的证据。

7、The next morning Nasreddin went out and saw one of his white shirts hanging' on the clothes-line in the garden.───第二天早晨,纳斯瑞丁出来看见他的一件白衬衣挂在花园里的晒衣绳上。

8、Now the system beats out the ridership of every metro line in mainland China except Beijing's.───现在证实广州BRT客流量比除北京外中国城市的每条地铁线的客流量都多。

9、Union Admiral David Farragut shouted this famous line in a brave moment of the Civil War on his way to Fort Morgan, Alabama.───联邦军队少将大卫.法拉格(DavidFarragut)在内战期间往阿拉巴马州的摩根堡(FortMorgan)前进时,在战斗中大声叫出了这句有名的话。

line in相似词语短语

1、done in───疲倦不堪

2、lie in───在于…;睡懒觉;待产

3、line up───排列起;整队



6、gone in───参加;(太阳等)被云遮住;放得进


8、give in───v.屈服;让步;交上

9、live in───住进




line in=线路输入,通过其他音频设备采集音频信号。

线路输入(line in)是相对于“麦克(mic)”输入而言的。


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