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overtime翻译(overtime work中文翻译,overtime work是什么意思,overtime work发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

overtime翻译(overtime work中文翻译,overtime work是什么意思,overtime work发音、用法及例句)

overtime work

overtime work发音

英:  美:

overtime work中文意思翻译



overtime work双语使用场景

1、If so, do you get paid more for overtime work?───如果有, 你得到加班费了 吗 ?

2、A:No,often my boss requires overtime work. I:How much money are you making a month?───A:不,我老板也经常要求加班。

3、Overtime work is often onerous, though it is well paid.───尽管有好的报酬,加班工作常常很繁重.

4、The extra order result in overtime work for all the factory staff.───额外的订购造成全场人员加班加点.

5、Shift work and weekend work will be required as well as overtime work when necessary.───需要轮班工作及周末工作,必要时还要加班.

6、Overtime work will affect my emotions.───心情很差超时的工作会影响我的情绪.

7、You may be able to pick up freelance work or overtime work, too.───或者,你可能会得到一份额外的工作或者加班, 都不一定.

8、The current amount of overtime work in job is reasonable.───现时的超时工作情况尚算合理.

9、The company compensated Tracy for her overtime work.───公司给了特蕾西加班费.

10、To define and establish the guidelines for company authorized overtime work.───定义和制定公司认可的加班及其管理指导原则.

11、Right, partly through overtime work, and partly through other incentives.───正是, 部分通过超时工作, 部分通过其它的刺激.

12、So today let's talk about our job and overtime work.───因此今天我们就来讨论一下我们的工作和加班.

13、Position may require overtime work during the construction industry peak season.───工程机械旺季可能需要加班.

14、How do you feel about overtime work?───你对加班有什么看法?

15、The workers rebelled against overtime work.───工人们厌恶加班.

16、M: You must know our working hours are very long and overtime work is frequent.───M:你得知道我们的工作时间很长,而且加班是常有的事。

17、It said it was working hard to ban such overtime work by interns.───它们正在努力禁止实习生超时工作。

overtime work相似词语短语

1、detective work───侦探工作;侦察任务


3、overtime ban───加班禁令;拒绝加班

4、servile work───n.周日及节假日禁行的体力工作

5、overtime work(ing)───加班


7、overtime bani───加班巴尼

8、office work───n.办公室工作;事务;内业

9、overtime pay───加班费

工作安排 英文翻译

Arrangement of Work 工作安排

overtime working plan


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