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payment details中文翻译,payment details是什么意思,payment details发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

payment details中文翻译,payment details是什么意思,payment details发音、用法及例句

payment details

payment details发音

英:  美:

payment details中文意思翻译



payment details双语使用场景

1、If you are a mortgage purchases by the customer, and signed a contract with the developer, agreed to the payment details.───如果你是一位用按揭贷款买房的客户,并与发展商签订了合同,约定了付款的细节。

2、Validations performed include the product details, address, and payment details.───执行的验证包括产品详细信息、地址和支付详细信息。

3、Previously, the absence of payment details, I do not know your payment invoices, which is a.───以前,由于没有付款明细,不知道你们付款的发票号是哪一个。

4、page from the hotspot provider should appear listing payment details.───热点提供商页面将会立即出现,列出有关付款的详细信息。

5、Validations performed include the product details, address, and payment details.───所执行的验证包括产品详细信息、地址和支付详细信息。

6、Oversee paperwork, order details and payment details. Monitor money transactions and shipping details.───审查文件,订单和财务信息。掌管转账和运输。

7、Click the Submit button on the page displaying the payment details and billing address.───单击页面上的Submit按钮,显示付款详细信息和帐单地址。

8、Ensure all customer profiles, all sales documentation including orders, payment details is in place and are well sorted and recorded.───确保所有客户资料、销售文件包括订单、付款明细等有序地、完整地存档。

9、However, upon check-out, the user is requested to confirm and enter payment details over a secure SSL connection.───但是,在结帐时,用户被要求通过安全的SSL连接确认和输入付款详细信息。

payment details相似词语短语

1、send details───发送详细信息

2、bank details───银行详细情况;银行业务明细

3、payment dates───付款日

4、payment cards───交纳证;缴款卡(paymentcard的复数)

5、payment terms───[金融]付款条件;支付条款

6、post details───发布详细信息

7、payment date───付款日

8、payment method───付款方式;支付方式

9、payment methods───支付方式(paymentmethod的复数)


想要取消消苹果updatepaymentdetails通知,首先找到 App Store ,点击你的头像;接下来找到「订阅」,打开后就能看到「接收续期数据」的选项,默认为开,把它关掉就可以。

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