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Sign Up中文翻译,Sign Up是什么意思,Sign Up发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

Sign Up中文翻译,Sign Up是什么意思,Sign Up发音、用法及例句

Sign Up

Sign Up发音

英:  美:

Sign Up中文意思翻译




Sign Up双语使用场景

1、We use of varnish the sign up to standard, the adhesive strength is excellent, chatoyant brightness.───我们使用的油漆符合标准, 附着力优异, 光泽明亮.

2、Be these elements, caused the United States to sign up for the difficulty of already battalion.───正是这些因素, 造成了美国报业经营的困难.

3、I also recommend you sign up for his free Humor Power Tips Ezine.───我也推荐你订阅他的免费《幽默能量技巧电子杂志》.

4、Click on the button below to sign up.───按下面的按钮注册成为用户.

5、When you sign up, you adopt an animated penguin to chat with friends, play games, explore, collect coins and even personalize your very own igloo.───注册时,你就会领养一只活泼的企鹅来与朋友聊天、玩游戏、探索、收集硬币、甚至让你自己的圆顶冰屋个性化。

6、If you add the class during the term, please remember to sign up for grading.───如果你在期中才加选这门课, 请记得要登记评分工作.

7、Where do I go sign up for that tour?───我到哪里去报名参加 呢 ?

8、Your brother did sign up for the tennis club, did he?───你弟弟签约网球俱乐部了, 不是 吗 ?

9、I'll also sign up to learn computers.───我也会去报名学电脑.

10、The mother decided to sign up her pretty daughter for a beauty contest.───母亲决定替她那漂亮的女儿报名参加选美比赛.

11、Not only John also Jean would like to sign up for this tour.───仅约翰而且珍也想签名参加这次旅行.

12、We will not have the picnic unless more people sign up.───除非有更多的人报名参加,否则我们的野餐是去不成的.

13、He has posted a sign up that says "No Fishing."───他已经张贴了一个标牌,写着“禁止钓鱼。”

14、Don't hesitate to sign up for lectures or seminars that will enlighten you.───别再犹豫了,赶快报名参加能给你启发的课程或研讨班吧.

15、Sign up for athletic facilities use at the Physical Education Office.───申请使用运动场设备,请至体育室登记.

16、He persuaded the company to sign up the singer.───他说服公司与这位歌手签约.

17、They manage to sign up all the best performers.───他们设法跟所有最佳演员签订合同.

18、He has posted a sign up that says "No Fishing"───他已经张贴了一张“禁止钓鱼”的告示牌。

19、To sign up, click Free Newsletters on the Options page.───若要注册, 请单击“选项”页上的“免费新闻通讯”.

20、I will sign up for an aerobics class.───我会和一个健美操班签订合同.

21、He was not the only one to sign up.───报名参加的不光是他一个人.

22、Mr Chen, can you spare some time to sign up this expense account?───陈总, 这是需要您批准的报销单,您现在有空签 吗 ?

23、Simply sign up and paste the code that they provide onto your site.───只要申请,并粘贴代码,他们提供您网站上.

24、Would you like to sign up for another year?───您想再续办一年 吗 ?

25、Many people who sign up to Facebook quickly find they have no use for it.───很多在Facebook上 注册的人很快就会发现,他们根本用不上它.

26、You can sign up for an appointment on the sign-up sheet outside the door.───你可以在门外的登记表上登记预约。

27、May I sign up for Scottrade's trading system free trail before opening a new account?───我能否先先进一步了解史考特的交易系统,再决定要不要开户?

28、I didn't sign up for some creepy love triangle.───我当初可不是为了恶心三角恋而和你在一起.

29、Regular Class, Sign up Talent Show, Earthquake Drill.───上课春节才艺表演报名开始, 地震疏散演.

Sign Up相似词语短语


2、signs up───签约雇用,签约参加

3、signed up───签约雇用,签约参加

4、sign out───签名登记离开;用签名记录离开的时间

5、shin up───爬上

6、sewn up───缝合(sewn是sew的过去分词);使忙碌(sewn是sew的过去分词);确保......的成功(sewn是sew的过去分词)



1. SIGNUP是指注册或报名的意思。

2. 这个词来源于英语,通常用于指示个人或组织在某个活动、服务或网站上进行注册或报名。

3. SIGNUP在现代社会中非常常见,比如在网上购物时需要注册账号,参加社交媒体平台时需要注册账号等等。


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