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in one way or another中文翻译,in one way or another是什么意思,in one way or another发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

in one way or another中文翻译,in one way or another是什么意思,in one way or another发音、用法及例句

1、in one way or another

in one way or another发音

英:  美:

in one way or another中文意思翻译



in one way or another双语使用场景

1、Marketing and advertising absolutely must appeal to people in one way or another to be successful.───市场营销和广告绝对应该以一种方式或另一种方式来打动人们,以便取得成功.

2、Those private outflows have to go somewhere - and most likely make there way into the US market in one way or another.───这些私人资本流出去的地方-和最有可能以一种或另一种方式进入美国市场中。

3、Variations in prices be excluded from the calculation of capital values, in one way or another.───在计算资本价值时, 可以以某种方式将价格的变动排除在外.

4、It may not generate high income, but it can make them feel like they're making contributions in one way or another.───它可能不会带来高收入,但可以使他们觉得自己在某些方面作出了贡献。

5、And in one way or another, everybody's life has been touched by it.───无论从哪个方面讲, 每个人的生活都被它影响着.

6、Most schools do in one way or another.───大部分学校都在以这种或那种方式去这样做.

7、Weather affects all of us in one way or another, directly or indirectly.───天气在这方面或那方面, 直接或间接地影响着我们.

8、In one way or another , scarce resources need to be allocated among competing uses.───究竟采取哪种方式, 让稀缺资源必须在相互竞争中,得到很好地利用.

9、We'll get the answers from you in one way or another.───不管怎样,我们将会从你那儿得到答案.

10、In one way or another, a certain range of problems can be solved through such cooperation.───在可能的范围内,通过这种合作总能解决一些问题.

11、Heat is always being transferred in one way or another, where there is difference in temperature.───凡有温差的地方, 热能会以这样或那样的方式传输.

12、It's an ideal we all have in one way or another.───这是我们都以这种或那种方式拥有的理想。

13、It's essential to differentiate yourself and your company in one way or another.───让自己和公司与众不同时非常重要的.

in one way or another相似词语短语

1、one thing after another───一件接一件

2、one thing led to another───一件事导致了另一件事(led是lead的过去式);顺理成章(led是lead的过去式);事情一发不可收拾(led是lead的过去式)

3、one after another───adv.接连地;一个接一个地

4、in more ways than one───(所说的话)不止一个意思;在很多方面适用

5、in the altogether───一丝不挂的;裸体

6、in one ear and out the other───右耳进左耳出;听过即忘;当耳旁风

7、one or other───或者别个;不管哪一个

8、one way and another───不管怎样;总的来看

9、one with another───一个接一个

2、another way 还是by another way?

another way 释义:



He thought of another way of making electricity.


by another way释义:



"She can't be long, now, " he said to himself, half fearing to encounter her and equally depressed at the thought that she might have gone in by another way.


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