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silkscarf(silk scarf中文翻译,silk scarf是什么意思,silk scarf发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

silkscarf(silk scarf中文翻译,silk scarf是什么意思,silk scarf发音、用法及例句)

1、silk scarf

silk scarf发音

英:  美:

silk scarf中文意思翻译



silk scarf双语使用场景

1、Then she untied her silk scarf.───然后她把丝巾解下来。

2、How cool are with this blue silk scarf!───你戴着这条蓝色丝制围巾太酷了!

3、This silk scarf spots easily.───这块丝绸围巾容易沾上污渍.

4、I gave my mother an embroidered silk scarf on her birthday.───妈妈生日时,我送给她一条真丝绣花的丝巾.

5、I am a silk scarf.───我想看看丝绸围巾.

6、Can you wrap this silk scarf for me?───请为我将这条丝巾打包.

7、The elegant silk scarf of this kind makes the young ladies appear more attractive and lovely.───这种飘逸的丝巾,使靓女更显动人可爱.

8、Salesman: How do you like this silk scarf? This is a typical Chinese souvenir.───售货员: 你喜欢这条丝巾 吗 ?这是典型的中国纪念品.

9、Rudolph was wearing a sweater over a wool shirt, and a silk scarf.───鲁道夫在羊毛衫外穿了件外套, 还戴了丝围巾.

10、She is wearing a silk scarf.───她佩戴着一条丝绸围巾。

11、Jessica wore a simple grey cardigan, a white T-shirt, a pair of grey jeans, a pair of flat shoes and a blue silk scarf.───杰西卡穿了件简单的灰色毛衣、白T、灰色仔裤、平底鞋,围了条蓝色丝巾。

12、Why not buy a silk scarf?───为什么不买条丝绸围巾 呢 ?

13、The warehouse of a silk scarf to all well - marked with brand name logos.───而仓库里的丝巾统统完好地标有名牌标识.

14、She was wearing a purple cotton shirt accompanied by an orange silk scarf. Really pretty!───今天她穿了件紫色棉衬衫配上一条橙色真丝围巾. 真好看!

15、I bought a great tie-dyed silk scarf.───我买了条非常好的扎染丝巾。

16、Yes. I'd like to buy a silk scarf.───是的.我想要买条丝绸围巾.

17、I bought a great tie-dyed silk scarf.───我买了条很棒的扎染丝巾。

18、A nice silk scarf will fill the bill for a lady's present.───漂亮的丝围巾总会适合送给女士作礼物.

silk scarf相似词语短语

1、head scarf───n.女人的头巾

2、silk gland───[昆]丝腺

3、silk hat───大礼帽

4、silk shirt───丝绸衬衫

5、milk sugar───n.乳糖(等于lactose)

6、milk sugars───n.乳糖(等于lactose)

7、milk shake───奶昔(牛奶和冰淇淋等的混合饮料)

8、milk snake───n.牛奶蛇

9、key scarf───钥匙围巾


scarf n. 围巾;


She tied her scarf over her head.


He unwound his scarf from his neck.


A scarf was wrapped around his neck.



 I bought a great tie-dyed silk scarf.


 I swapped my red scarf for her blue one.


 He reached up to loosen the scarf around his neck.


 Greenough wears a blue chequered shirt, red scarf and brown chaps.


 How much did the scarf cost Alice?


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