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volunteer to do中文翻译,volunteer to do是什么意思,volunteer to do发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

volunteer to do中文翻译,volunteer to do是什么意思,volunteer to do发音、用法及例句

volunteer to do

volunteer to do发音

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volunteer to do中文意思翻译



volunteer to do双语使用场景

1、He used to volunteer to do some work for the old.───他过去常常志愿为老人做一些工作。

2、Would you volunteer to do things that other people should do in an office?───在办公室里你会主动去分担别人的工作吗?(为什么?)

3、If you volunteer to do something you are doing it of your own free will.───如果你志愿做某事,你就是凭着自己的意愿去做的。

4、We urgently need a volunteer to do videotaping . If you can help, please contact the Vice Principal, Mr. Henry Chen.───目前急需录影人才﹐若有家长愿意帮忙﹐请尽快与副校长陈恒毅联系。

5、By limiting military service only to those individuals who volunteer to do it, public opposition to wars of choice is more easily contained.───由于军队只招募志愿参军的人士,公众对于这些可打可不打的战争的反对情绪就容易消化得多了。

6、Her idea is for a business where high school students volunteer to do small tasks for old people .───她的想法是成立一家公司,这家公司中的高中学生志愿者帮助老人做一些小事。

7、Her idea is for a business where high school students volunteer to do small tasks for old people.───她的商业想法是高等学校的学生志愿者可以为老年人做一些工作。

8、But if you volunteer to do something, you should also be prepared to do more work than you expected!───但如果你主动提出要做些什么,你得做好着完成比想象中更多的工作的准备。

9、the opportunity for a volunteer to do the stunt had manifested itself, however.───出现了一次自愿表演特技的机会。

volunteer to do相似词语短语


2、volunteer armies───志愿军

3、volunteer force───志愿部队

4、voluntary body───志愿机构

5、volunteer forces───志愿部队

6、volunteer army───志愿军

7、Volunteer State───志愿军州(田纳西州的别名)


9、volunteer bureau───n.志愿局

are you going to do volunteer work怎么回答



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