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primary school中文翻译,primary school是什么意思,primary school发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

primary school中文翻译,primary school是什么意思,primary school发音、用法及例句

primary school

primary school发音

英:[ˈpraɪmeri skuːl]  美:[ˈpraɪməri skuːl]

英:  美:

primary school中文意思翻译


n.小学,初等学校; 参见:elementary school

primary school双语使用场景

1、Students from Queen Elizabeth School Old Students'Association Primary School introduced facilities in their model.───伊利沙伯中学旧生会小学分校的同学介绍模型中的设施.

2、Mrs Steele was head of Didcot's C of E primary school.───斯蒂尔夫人曾是英国迪德科特圣公会小学的校长。

3、Development of Future Primary School English Teachers in Teaching Skills and Microteaching.───小学教师技能与特长培养研究.

4、My father is a headmaster of a primary school.───我父亲是小学校长.

5、The old man has a higher primary school academic qualification.───老人的学历是高小毕业.

6、Efforts to remedy this must begin in primary school.───改变这种风气,要从小学教育开始.

7、Did you have English in your primary school?───你读小学的时候有没有学英语?

8、Today, salaries for primary school teachers are too low.───现在小学教员的工资太低.

9、Yung Wing Public Primary School in New York City , NY.───美国纽约设立容闳公立小学.

10、The charity presents 50,000 copies of books to the Hope Primary School.───慈善协会将5万册图书赠给了希望小学.

11、For nearly four years, since I left primary school.───已接近四年了, 自从我小学毕业之后.

12、There are only a few elementary lessons in primary school.───小学阶段的基础课就那么几门.

13、She jumped the fourth grade in primary school.───她跳过了小学四年级.

14、Rongzhou Nanzhuang Primary School was established in 1951, is located in Nanzhuang dissolved Chau Village.───禅城区南庄镇溶洲小学创办于1951年, 地处南庄镇溶洲村.

15、Although his formal education stopped after primary school, he was an avid reader.───尽管小学毕业后就再没有受过正规的教育,他却十分爱读书。

16、The culturing of creative thinking at primary school is the basis of talent cultivation.───而小学阶段培养学生的创新思维,是培养时代人才的基础.

17、The Hope Primary School used the grant to rebuild its schoolhouses.───希望小学用这笔赠款翻修了校舍.

18、Tao Street in Zhongshan Road belonging to Yuexiu District, the air near the primary school.───陶街在中山六路属于越秀区, 在朝天小学附近.卖电器的.

19、Middle and primary school is unripe truant, ought to the school manage like where?───中小学生旷课的, 学校应当如何处理?

20、I am a student from primary school . I will go to middle school next year.───我是名小学生, 明年我就小学毕业了上中学了.

21、Attendance at primary school is obligatory.───上小学是义务的.

22、He is a first grade primary school pupil.───他是小学一年级学生.

23、Take note: 75 million children still don't have access to primary school education in the world.───注意: 世界上还有7500万儿童仍未有机会接受小学教育.

primary school相似词语短语

1、drama school───n.戏剧学校,戏剧专科学校

2、play school───n.幼儿园;幼稚园

3、primary cell───[电]原电池

4、military school───军事学校

5、private schools───私立学校;私立中小学(privateschool的复数)

6、primary color───原色

7、private school───n.私立学校;私立中小学

8、grammar school───n.(英)文法学校;(美)初级中学

9、primary schools───小学


primary school 小学

middle school 中学

senior high school 高中

university 大学

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