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water polo中文翻译,water polo是什么意思,water polo发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

water polo中文翻译,water polo是什么意思,water polo发音、用法及例句

water polo

water polo发音

英:  美:

water polo中文意思翻译



water polo双语使用场景

1、It will hold aquatic events such as swimming, diving, water polo and synchronized swimming.───它将举行水上项目如游泳 、 跳水 、 水球和花样游泳.

2、During the Olympics, it will host swimming, diving, synchronized swimming and water polo competitions.───奥运会期间, “水立方”将承担游泳 、 跳水 、 花样游泳等比赛.

3、Water Polo is one of the historical group events in the Olympic history.───水球项目是奥运会历史上最早的集体比赛项目之一.

4、I am not familiar with water polo.───我不懂水球比赛规则.

5、What officials are there in a water polo game?───水球比赛有哪些裁判人员?

6、Professionals go in for water skiing, diving competitions and water polo matches.───专业人员则进行滑水 、 水和水球比赛.

7、Four disciplines: Swimming, Water polo , Diving and swimming.───四项: 游泳, 水球, 潜水,花样表演.

8、Swimming, Water polo, Diving, and Synchronized swimming.───游泳, 水球, 潜水, 花样游泳.

9、Four disciplines: Swimming, Water polo, Diving and Synchronized swimming.───四项: 游泳, 水球, 潜水,花样游泳.

10、The water polo was developed in Europe, it was termed softball water polo.───水球起源于欧洲, 最初被称为“水止垒球”.

11、Consider further the similarities of water polo , polo, and soccer.───看看水球, 足球的相似性.

12、Can you explain to me the kinds of passes in water polo?───你能给我解释一下水球的各种传球 吗 ?

13、My friend could write about submarines, water polo, and weather patterns and make each paper fascinating.───这位朋友写的文章可以是关于潜艇,水球,天气的任何一类,每篇文章都那么引人入胜。

14、This water polo team is a strong one.───这个水球队阵容很强.

15、What swimming strokes does a water polo player use?───水球运动员采用哪些泳姿?

16、Yes. And also a water polo match.───是的.还有一场水球比赛.

17、What are the basic individual skills of a water polo player?───水球运动员的个人基本技术有哪些?

18、Aquatics include: swimming, Water polo, Diving, and Synchronized swimming.Swimming has been on the Olympic Games programme since the first modern Olympic Games in Athens in 1896.───奥运会的水上运动包括:游泳,水球,跳水,花样游泳。从1896年雅典的第一次现代奥运会开始,游泳就是奥运会上的正式项目了。

19、William thrived on Eton's legendary playing fields, excelling at rugby, football, swimming and water polo.───威廉在伊顿闻名的运动场上极为引人注目, 在橄榄球 、 足球 、 游泳和水球上尤其见长.

20、Since water polo is a team game, how do referees identify the players?───水球是集体项目, 那么裁判怎样分辨水中队员是哪个队的 呢 ?

21、Water polo was devised in England in about 1870.───水球大约是1870年在英国开创的.

22、The championships include 5 categories of swimming, diving, water ballet, water polo and long distance swimming.───本届锦标赛共设游泳 、 跳水 、 花样游泳 、 水球和长距离游泳5个大项.

23、FINA stands for International Amateur , diving , water polo and synchronized swimming.───FINA表示国际泳联.

24、Once you know the rules of water polo, you'll be able to play well.───一旦你知道这些水球的规则你就能打好.

25、The championships include 5 categories of swimming, diving, water ballet, water polo and distance swimming.───本届锦标赛共设游泳 、 跳水 、 花样游泳 、 水球和长距离游泳5个大项.

26、There were also silvers in softball and men's and women's water polo a bronze in baseball.───在男女水球垒球美国队同样有银牌铜牌入帐.”因此我们并没有觉得我们的运动员水平有所下降. “ 谢尔说.

27、Nowadays water polo is included as an event in most major swimming competitions.───现在凡是重要的比赛都包含水球项目.

28、These include sessions of judo, badminton and water polo.───这方面包括柔道,羽毛球和水球。

29、In your opinion, how can we improve the skill level of our water polo players?───你认为我们怎样才能提高我国水球运动员的技术水平.

water polo相似词语短语

1、water pill───水丸

2、water polos───水球

3、water voles───水鼠

4、water pills───水丸

5、water holes───水坑(waterhole的名词复数)

6、water vole───水鼠

7、water motor───水力发动机;水动机

8、water power───[水利]水力

9、water hole───水坑;小池塘


水球(Water polo) 是一种在水中进行的集体球类运动,是一项结合游泳,手球,篮球,橄榄球的运动。


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